What We Do to Keep You Safe

Here at Back and Body Medical, we are taking proper COVID19 precautions. We wanted to highlight our efforts and list our COVID19 guidelines to ensure that you feel safe and protected. We will be operating at a reduced capacity Masks will be required 100% of the time We will temperature check all patients and staff […]
Read MoreLower Back Pain after a Fall in Manhattan

Lower back pain after a fall is never pleasant. Falling can also lead to many other problems in older adults such as impaired mobility or early death. Today, we will be giving you steps to take that will help reduce your risk of falling to lead to a longer and more quality, pain free life. […]
Read MoreManhattan Chiropractor Looks at Cause of Neck Pain

Neck pain can be one of the worst types of pain to experience. If you are currently experiencing neck pain, you are not alone. Today, we will be telling you what could possibly be the cause of neck pain. The answer may surprise you. The neck is not always the cause of neck pain. Sometimes, […]
Read MoreAt Home Back Exercises

At Home Back Exercises to Prevent Pain Back pain affects some 80% of people at one point in their lives. It’s one of the most common conditions that means people miss days off work. During this pandemic, we are seeing people far more static than ever before. We’re walking less, moving less and staying at […]
Read MoreCan Chiropractic Care Help Tinnitus?

Tinnitus. It’s that annoying ringing in the ear that affects some 10% of all Americans. For some, it can only be heard in quiet places, for others it’s there all the time and can be quite debilitating too. There are various types of sounds that people hear, a constant high pitched sound, whooshing sounds, sounds […]
Read MoreCommunication is Key to Pain Relief

Communication is Key to Pain Relief at Back and Body Medical Having the knowledge, education, know how and experience in treating patients for their pain is obviously vital for us to perform our duties here at Back and Body Medical in Manhattan. There is another component that is equally as important in helping a patient […]
Read MoreSneezing Caused Pain Down My Arms, Chest and Legs

Recently, we had a patient who had been complaining of pain down his left arm and some general weakness there. The problem had been occurring on and off over the past few months. He’d been receiving regular chiropractic adjustments, icing the area and taking ibuprofen if the condition flared up. After each adjustment, he said […]
Read MoreHere’s Some Holiday Tips to Try During the Pandemic

Been a tricky year so far, hasn’t it? While there have been some great difficulties in life over the past several months, there has also been some amazing thinking and the way people and businesses has adapted to things has been incredible. It’s so easy to look at the negative and forget the good things […]
Read MoreA Different Approach to Thanksgiving this Year

2020 is going to be a memorable one. We have all sacrificed a lot this year, some more than others, but humanity will come through this test as it has many others in the past. We have to be creative and find new ways of doing things. The holiday season is no different, and we’ve […]
Read MoreHow Safe is it to Come to Back and Body Medical

Hi everyone, Dr Perna here. I just want to start off with a short story before getting into what I want to talk about. Last week, I went to get a haircut. I arrived at the barber shop with my mask on. The shop promised many of the COVID protocols that we are becoming used […]
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