Back and Body Medical Shoulder Pain Exercises

Do you suffer from shoulder pain? Back and Body Medical shoulder pain exercises is going to give you some exercises that you can perform from the comfort of your own home. The exercises will help improve your flexibility and strength in the shoulders. Even if only one shoulder is bothering you, make sure to work […]
Read MoreShoulder Pain Treatment Manhattan

Shoulder pain is very common. A lot more common than you may think. About 90% of Americans will tear their rotater cuff, labrum, or capsule at one point in their life. Why is shoulder pain so common? Today, our shoulder pain treatment in Manhattan solution will show you how in can be resolved. The reason […]
Read MoreBack Pain Sleeping Problems
Sleepless nights are a big problem when it comes to back pain. Not only are you having to contend with the pain itself, but also minimal sleep on top, it’s enough to drive anyone nuts. Fortunately, we have seen many patients with back pain sleeping problems and have been able to help. Take this patient […]
Read MoreCubed Pillows – Dr Perna’s Opinion

Pillows are a major component of our sleeping furniture. Along with a good mattress to support your body, the pillow is the next most important component of your sleep. There are many different types of pillows to choose from as well. From more traditional feathered pillows to memory foam to simple polyester, finding the right […]
Read MoreHow We Treat Neck Pain & Headaches in Manhattan

Chiropractic management of headache and neck pain is something that we specalize in. The two conditions usually co occur and are the msot common reasons for chiropractic visits. This means it is important to determine if a patient’s headaches and neck pain are related or if the issues need to be handled separately. Let’s go […]
Read MoreHow We Treat Low Back Leg Pain in Manhattan

Treat Low Back Pain in Manhattan How we treat low back pain is something that we specialize in. Low back related leg pain is a common condition, and they can be very complex. Today, we will be looking at the current treatments that we can provide you with. Our doctor will need to first determine […]
Read MoreManhattan Chiropractor Helps Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can be difficult. That’s why your Manhattan chiropractor is here. There are about 5 steps that come with this, which we will be discussing today: understanding pain, recognizing unhealthy attitudes or thoughts, targeting the treatment area, and passive/ active care. Let’s review these steps to give you a better understanding and education. Your […]
Read MoreWhat to do with Baker’s Cyst

Baker’s cysts can be painful, mostly when bending the knee. They are swellings which form on the back of the knee. About 94 percent of these cysts are associated with an intra- articular disorder, aka cartilage tears, along with osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, and ACL tears. In half of healthy adult knees, there is a valvular […]
Read MoreDo You Suffer from Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a very common problem, even with patients in New York City. It’s the perception of sound that does not technically exist and is mostly only heard by the sufferer. Some 10% to 20% of people suffer tinnitus in some form. For most it is mostly heard in quiet conditions but for others it […]
Read MoreSecond COVID Doses Received

Back and Body is excited to announce that Dr. Perna and Anjhanaa and Perna have received their second COVID19 vaccines! The rest of the staff have received their first vaccine and are in line for their second in the near future. As others begin getting vaccinated, we are excited to see the changes that will […]
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