How to Find Treatment for Runner’s Knee Pain in NYC

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, also known as runner’s knee, is a common problem for runners, as the name suggests. Manifested where the knee meets the thighbone, PFPS can be intermittent, dull, sharp or chronic, but it usually disappears when you’re running. Usually caused by poor conditioning of the quadriceps and insufficiently warmed up hamstrings, PFPS points […]
Read MoreCan Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Be Prevented? NY Chiro Explains

Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Be Prevented? Did you know carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common complaints and reasons why people are absent from work? It’s becoming more of a factor these days due to the types of things we use our hands for the repetitive nature of work. So is there anything […]
Read MoreChiropractic Care Very Helpful in Helping Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Manhatten

Chiropractic Care Very Helpful in Helping Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) causes pain and numbness along the wrist and fingers. It’s caused by the compression of the median nerve that tracks down the carpal tunnel. When the carpal tunnel is compressed, it infringes upon the nerve and creates pain or numbness. […]
Read MoreAre There Therapies for Aches and Pains From Sitting at a Computer?

We’ve talked about “text neck” and proper sitting posture before, but I have so many people coming to me with complaints caused by sedentary work styles that I’m revisiting the whole sitting at a computer question. When you work at a computer for long hours, every day, it’s normal for your body to respond negatively. […]
Read MoreWhat is Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome? Manhatten Doctor Explains

What is Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome? Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome has the common name of shin splints. It’s an injury that typically forms when the tendons, bone tissue and muscles are overworked, and generally occurs when an exercise activity is intensified. We see many people weekly in our New York Clinic here in Manhatten and […]
Read MoreLife Hack for Neck and Shoulder Pain Revealed by NYC Chiropractor

Life hack for neck and shoulder pain Do you find you get neck and shoulder pain by sitting at your desk on the computer often? This is one of the biggest problems we see with office workers in New York, so we’ve come up with five quick life hacks to help get your pain to […]
Read MoreHow to Loosen Tight Trap Muscles – NYC Chiro Shows You How

We realize life gets crazy sometimes and you are not always able to get in and see us at Back and Body in our Manhattan location when you have a problem, although we would always encourage you to come in especially if you have a more serious issue. We know many of you get tight […]
Read MoreOpioid Crisis Might Be Worse than You Think Says New York Chiropractor

Opioid Crisis Might Be Worse than You Think Says New York Chiropractor One of the big news stories at the moment is the opioid crisis that the country is facing, not only from illegal drugs, but also prescription drugs as many have succumbed to addiction there as well. It is truly tragic and the problems […]
Read MoreThree Things all Runners Should Do Before Starting Running

With the Brooklyn Half Marathon just a couple of weeks away, most serious competitors are well into their training schedules by now. For others who are slowly getting out and about now the bad weather is mostly behind us, you’ll want to get up to speed with your running gently and not at a pace […]
Read MoreLumbar Herniated Disc: Surgery or Conservative Treatment? Manhatten Chiropractor Explains

The question is this: Are patients who receive surgical intervention for lumbar herniated discs better off than those who seek conservative treatments such as chiropractic, physical therapy etc? Dr David Perna DC, CCSP, CCEP, our Manhatten chiropractor explained on a video a while ago that this may not be the case. Quoting a study by […]
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