Whiplash and Recovery – How Long Does It Take?

woman with neck brace due to whiplash

Ouch!  Whiplash! While every case of whiplash is a little different due to body mechanics, physical resilience and the nature of the impact causing the injury, there are some steadfast rules of thumb concerning the recovery process. You, as a patient, have much to do with your recovery time.  Whiplash and recovery – how long […]

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New York Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Exercises

carpal tunnel syndrome

New York Carpal Tunnel Exercises Carpal tunnel syndrome (cts) is the cause of the median nerve being compressed as it passes through the tiny bony carpal near the wrist. Cts can result in pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand. Here’s some New York carpal tunnel exercises can help relieve your symptoms and are […]

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How Exercise Can Help Low Back Pain

lunges workout

New York Back Pain Exercise It is hard to completely prevent low back pain (lbp), but New York back pain exercise shows that those who regularly exercise are at much less of a risk. In shape adults who develop back pain may experience it less often, at a reduced rate, and for a shorter amount […]

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Is Sitting Bad for my Back?

young woman sitting and writing on laptop

I’ll bet you’re sitting down, as you read this.  That’s OK.  I sat while I wrote it! Sitting is something we do in our society for about 6 hours every day (more or less).  Many of us work sitting in a chair.  We sit to eat, to watch TV and to read.  But the thing […]

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What to Do for Chronic Low Back Pain in New York

man with back pain sitting on his bed

Low Back Pain is extremely common in many people in the US. In fact chronic low back pain New York found that about 80 percent of adults have experienced it in their life, and it’s a main effect of job related disability and missed work. The National Institutes of Health even says that more than […]

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3 Great New York Low Back Pain Treatments

man with lower back pain in his office

New York low back pain patients are among the most common type of patients we see at Back and Body here in Manhatten. It’s arguably one of the most common complaints in general and accounts for billions of dollars in lost revenue for employers across the nation. It’s caused by a variety of issues including […]

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Choosing a Pillow if You Have Sciatica

woman sleeping

Sciatica is a painful condition, often causing a tingling, burning or stabbing sensation which radiates unpleasantly from the lower back down the back of (usually) one leg. This can make sleep something of an impossible dream. But the right configuration of pillows can really help.  Let’s explore what to look for in a pillow if […]

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Swiss Ball New York Exercises to Help Back Pain Patients

Have you ever tried Swiss ball exercises in New York to help with back pain? Studies have been undertaken to see the effects f such exercises and the outcomes were very good particularly with people suffering chronic low back pain. One such study that was published in the 2015 Journal of Sports Science and Medicine […]

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The Role of the Diet in Manhattan ADHD Patients

broccoli on wooden surface

ADHD is a more common condition these days, many children are being diagnosed with it and more and more medications are being prescribed. While medications have their place, there’s lots of other things that Manhattan ADHD patients can do to help their condition and help more. We recently posted an article on the positive effects […]

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Fibromyalgia – What Are Some Good Exercises?

woman stretching

Fibromyalgia is a very real condition which is widely misunderstood.  Because those who live with fibromyalgia may soldier on despite the pain they’re often in, people tend to think that because they don’t “look sick”, that they’re either hypochondriacs or fishing for attention. And that’s really sad. I treat fibromyalgia sufferers, so I know what […]

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