Why is Chiropractic Excellent for Back Pain?

Current research finds that 52% of all opioid prescriptions are for patients with low back pain. 2 million Americans suffer from opioid use disorder, and 47,000 died from opioid use in 2017. In light of this epidemic, the high cost of diagnostic tests, invasive treatments, and the low level of satisfaction with his care, Boston […]
Read MorePreventing Back Pain from Getting Worse

Did you know that about one and seven adults in America have chronic low back pain? Chronic low back pain is defined as pain lasting longer than three months. This long-term pain has a huge effect on a person’s ability to perform daily tasks and activities. It is very important to discuss and identify factors […]
Read MoreLook Out for these Neck Pain Factors

It may come as common knowledge to you that one and six Americans experience neck pain in a given three month timeframe. If not, then now you know how common this problem is. Neck pain is a major cause of work leave of absence, a work injury, as well as an overall reduced quality of […]
Read MoreWhy Multiple Techniques Are Beneficial to Headaches

Headaches are a very common patient complaint. Each type of headache has a different underlying cause which needs to be addressed to achieve a satisfactory outcome. A study done in 2020 over the last two decades suggests that the best conservative and non-pharmaceutical approach could be a top down or bottom up approach. Let’s explain […]
Read MoreCan Chiropractic Help Vertigo?

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) most commonly causes vertigo-like symptoms. This happens because of three semicircular canals in the bony labyrinth. Each of these canals contains a fluid, which is called endolymph. This fluid bends in the tiny cilia which lines the interior of the semicircular canals because of head movement. The endolymph is dense, […]
Read MoreDiscover How We Test Radicular Pain in the Arm

How We Test Radicular Pain in the Arm Pain is primarily associated with muscle, tendon, or ligament injuries, but did you know that irritated nerves could also be the primary pain source? Tensile stretch or nerve compression usually occurs because of this, and unfortunately, this condition is usually a difficult one to treat. Today, we […]
Read MoreCan Chiropractic Help Concussion?

In recent years, mild traumatic brain injury has been a major topic in the sports world. Usually, patients recover within a few weeks. Some, though, can experience ongoing issues, known as post concussive syndrome. Today we are taking a look at what current studies have to say about mild traumatic brain injury, and if chiropractic […]
Read MoreHip Pain & Limb Length

Have you ever thought about whether your legs are equal length? Well, if they are not, it could be causing some issues. A 2019 study found that only one and 10 adults have limbs that are equal in length. The other 90% had a difference in leg length. This difference is normally less than 1 […]
Read MoreExercise to Stay Healthy

Did you know that there is one prescription that could reduce the severity and prevent many diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, obesity, osteoporosis, certain cancers, depression, and dementia. There is also a very low risk for adverse side effects. What if we told you that this “prescription” is exercise! Adults who exercise have […]
Read MoreRisk Factors for Neck Pain

Did you know that 1 in 6 people have neck pain in a given three month time frame? Neck pain causes many issues such as work absences, injuries, and lessened quality of life. Some neck pain risk factors are unavoidable, but not all. A study done by some authors from the Department of Orthopedics at […]
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