Did you know that about one and seven adults in America have chronic low back pain? Chronic low back pain is defined as pain lasting longer than three months. This long-term pain has a huge effect on a person’s ability to perform daily tasks and activities. It is very important to discuss and identify factors which are associated with a heightened risk for developing chronic low back pain. Let’s discuss them in today’s article.
A 2020 review found that 26% of patients that receive treatment for acute low back pain will develop chronic low back pain three months later. And a third of these patients will continue to have low back pain at the six month mark.
A study done in February of 2021 analyzed data from 5233 acute low back pain patients. 32% were found to have transitioned into chronic low back pain. Through this research, they found that there are several risk factors for developing chronic low back pain.
These are as follows:
- smoking,
- obesity,
- severe initial disability,
- depression/anxiety,
- and a high score on the start back screening tool.
The Starbucks screening tool takes a look at nine specific items. These include: pain in the leg, shoulder and neck pain, difficulty walking long distances, difficulty getting dressed, fear of physical activity, worrisome thoughts, despair about condition improvement, reduced ability to enjoy hobbies and activities, and father some pain. Did you know that researchers also found that exposure to care outside of the current guidelines in the first 21 days of low back pain can raise the risk of developing chronic pain by 2.16 times?
So, what are the current recommendations for acute low back pain? Current guy I blind states that all provider types should offer reassurance in order to lessen the fear of movement in patients. Patients are also included to maintain normal activity as tolerated. Ice, heat, spinal manipulation, massage, and acupuncture are all recommended as treatment options. Diagnostic imaging, specialty consult, and prescription opioids should all be avoided.
Chiropractors perform annual therapies such as spinal manipulation which reduces pain and improves function in the low back. Chiropractors also look for dysfunction in other areas associated with low back pain. These could include the hamstrings or the hips. Chiropractors encourage patients to stay active and perform exercises at home to strengthen the back and the whole body.
Do you have pain or discomfort? Reach out today! Through chiropractic, physical therapy and other treatment options, we have many options to help you and your back issues. Schedule an appointment today or call us (212) 371-2000