Does Your Posture Affect Your Mood?

Believe it or not, the way you stand and sit can have a powerful impact on the way you feel, psychologically. While all our moods aren’t necessarily governed by our physical posture, it does make a difference in the way we feel. When we’re feeling gloomy and negative, could it be our slouching that’s at […]
Read MoreKnee Pain: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Relief

An important thing to understand about knee pain is that it can happen to anyone. You needn’t be elderly. You needn’t be overweight or an elite athlete. Knee pain can hit anyone, any time. And it really hurts, because without our knee joints, we’re not up to much. They’re a cornerstone of mobility. So, this […]
Read MoreThe Perils of Sugary Drinks While Pregnant in Manhattan

You don’t have to go far to find a sugary drink in Manhatten. Every cafe, convenience store and restaurant serves them. Have a Coke with your meal, or just to drink while walking down the street, and nobody thinks anything of it. If you’re watching your weight, sugary drinks are the worst. Because they don’t […]
Read MoreHow to Determine if Your Arm Pain is Elbow Bursitis

Your elbows are busy little beavers. While you may not think of them as much more than something to put on the table while you’re eating, they’re joints doing a lot of heavy lifting for the upper body. But the problem with the elbow is that it’s a complex joint, making it susceptible to all […]
Read MoreNYC Doc Asks: Are Fractures Worse for Males than Females?

Are osteoporosis related fractures more dangerous for senior men or senior women? We are going to talk about the stats in this article. Today’s study comes from the American Academy of Orthopedic surgeons in March of 2017. It looks at the dangers of osteoporosis related fractures. It’s commonly thought and confirmed that females are more […]
Read MoreWhy You Should be Thorough in Communicating Your Health History

Medication errors have doubled from 2000 to 2012, so today we are going to look at the details of this statistic. This study comes from Clinical Toxicology, July 2017. This study discussed that medication errors have doubled between these dates. It went from 1.09 errors per 100,000 to 2.28 errors per 100,000. A deeper look […]
Read MoreHow Much Should I do with Knee Arthritis in Manhattan?

When it comes to the health of your knees, some people have the attitude of use it or lose it, or don’t wear them out too fast by being too active. So which one’s right? We are going to talk about it right now. Today’s study looks at the age old question: If you exercise […]
Read MoreKnee Braces and What they Can do for You in Manhattan?

Knee braces should be worn when you have some sort of pain in the knee, or in sports when you want to prevent an injury. Braces are made from a combination of metal, foam, plastic, and elastic material/straps. We regularly help people with knee problems here at our Manhatten practice with knee braces and of […]
Read MoreKeys for a Successful Return to Spring Sports

It’s been a long winter. But now that spring is here, you’re probably itching to get out there and enjoy your favorite activities. From cycling to softball, everyone who enjoys outdoor activities in the warm weather is ready to shake off the winter cobwebs. But there are some keys for a successful return to spring […]
Read MoreBusting Sciatica Myths

Myths abound, when it comes to physical health. It’s always been that way, with folk knowledge sometimes being taken as seriously as medical knowledge. Perhaps such conflation is sometimes appropriate but we’re going to talk about busting sciatica myths and what some of the most common of those are. Sciatica is a highly treatable condition, […]
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