Injury-Free Zone? Prepping to Return to the Gym

It’s been a while since you packed up your little bag for the gym. Maybe there’s still a terry cloth, rainbow-striped head band in there, next to a fetching pair of matching leg warmers. No matter how long it’s been, the gym should be an injury-free zone. Prepping to return to the gym is what […]
Read MoreManhatten Doc Asks: Is Salt Really Bad for Your Heart?

Following on from our health benefits of organs post earlier in the week, this next one looks at the impact of salt on your heart. Is sodium intake as bad as they once thought for your heart? Today’s study comes from the American Society for Nutrition. It asks the question: Does reducing salty foods and […]
Read MoreAnother Good Reason Why You Should Remain Fit in Manhatten

If you exercise, does that mean that your organs work better? Today’s study looks at the correlation between cardiovascular fitness and the ability of the liver to function. The liver is very instrumental in filtering out the toxins in the body. The study believes that if there is an increase in fat around the liver […]
Read MoreExciting News! – Schedule Appointments Online Quickly & Easily

We have some great news to announce which we will make our patient’s lives, ie yours, much easier. We are proud to officially launch our new online scheduling service here at Back and Body in New York. What’s more we have a few options for you to make an appointment. Firstly, you can simply Google […]
Read MoreReducing Gnarly Surf Injuries with Proper Preparation

Surfing isn’t for everyone. Those who live to take on the ocean are a breed apart. And every year, 10 million people all over the world ride the wild waves. Amazingly, only 10 of their number dies in surf-related accidents. Not bad, considering how many people brave the waves but injuries are much more common. […]
Read MoreNYC Dancers: Does Dancing Cause Your Low Back to Hurt?

Naturally, being in New York City, we see a lot of different people from varying skillsets and levels. From runners to football and basket ball players, and of course, not being too far from Broadway, we see our fair share of professional dancers as well. Many of the dancers we see, both professional and amateur […]
Read MoreAre Stronger Kids Smarter Kids in NYC?

We all know the benefits of good physical exercise are for your health. It’s why we see so many people running through Central park or walking the streets of the city. A healthy and active life yields many benefits that have been very well documented in the past, but now research is suggesting that there’s […]
Read MoreSlip and Fall? We Can Help!

Whether you trip and fall on an icy sidewalk, on the way up the stairs, or boarding a bus, you can really hurt yourself. It happens to the best of us. And when we take a tumble and hurt ourselves, it’s often the case that rehabilitation is in our future. Elderly people are especially prone […]
Read MoreHow Can I Manage My Sciatica?

Sciatica is a painful condition which may be episodic or chronic. Not a genuine condition unto itself, sciatica is, rather, a symptom of an underlying concern. So, while it’s good to know about DIY solutions to sciatic pain, it’s also necessary that you discuss your sciatic pain with a clinical professional. This serves to apprehend […]
Read MoreDoes Running in New York Reduce Aging?

Running in Manhatten, particularly Central Park is one of the best known features of New York City. We see joggers in the park every day, keeping fit and healthy and active. But did you know that running a certain amount each week has been shown to actually slow down the aging process? While we know […]
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