Does Running in New York Make Knee Pain Worse?

Knee pain will affect around 30% of the adult population at some point or another, and a large reason for this is running. Running is usually connected with knee pain because it can supposedly cause wear and tear on the knee, so the question of “does running cause knee problems?” comes up more often than […]
Read MoreTeam Back and Body Comes Third in Asbury Park Games

The Asbury Park Games is fast becoming something of an institution. It’s already the largest Crossfit event of the northeast despite this only being the third competition in its history. Coincidentally, third is the position Team Back and Body came in the competition against a very deep and high level of competition. The future for […]
Read MoreThe Crossover Gait in New York

In today’s article, we will be going over the crossover gait and how it affects our runners and our practices. The crossover gait is a gait where the person is running left to right and the foot is coming down that midline like they’re running on a tightrope, running on a balance beam, or they […]
Read MoreTop Treatment For Gluteal Tendinopathy in New York

Treatment For Gluteal Tendinopathy in New York Today’s article will be discussing the number one cause of lateral hip pain, and that is gluteal tendinopathy. In fact, one third of our low back pain patients have gluteal tendinopathy currently. This condition is so common that it has been dubbed rotator cuff tears of the hip. […]
Read MoreShoulder Pain and How we can Address it in New York

Shoulder Pain Today we are going to be talking about Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, the three components of it, and how to treat it. The first type is tyrael TOS. This is a non radicular symptom, meaning that it’s going down the entire arm. When this happens, we get the five p’s: pain, pallor, paresthesia, paralysis, […]
Read MoreQuality of Life vs Quantity of Life in New York

How long we can live a healthy life is important, because living longer does not always mean living better. About one in five people live until they’re 100, but this doesn’t always mean they’re healthy. From 1990 to 2017, life expectancy has gone up by about 10 years, but everyone has a chronological age and […]
Read MoreE-Cigarettes: How Safe are they?

E-cigarettes have certainly taken the market by storm. They were once dubbed an answer for smokers to quit the real thing, but still keep up the habit on something healthier. But are they really healthier? And are they attracting the younger generation and encouraging them to smoke? Let’s find out what the dangers of e-cigarettes […]
Read MoreEat, Drink and Be Wary: The Health Risks of Overindulging

Everyone loves to eat and drink. Food and drink are part of most Holidays, festivals and vacations. And with vacation time coming at us, we know we’re going to be tempted to overindulge. The old saying goes, “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips” and that’s the horrible truth. But in the […]
Read MoreCan What You Eat Affect Arthritis?

Can your diet lead to early onset arthritis? Interesting question as certain food types can reduce inflammation. Today’s research asks the question “Does diet cause arthritis?” The research done in April of 2017 looked at people who had a diet of high fatty acids, specifically a 20 percent saturated fatty acid diet with simple carbs. […]
Read MoreHow is BMI Calculated and What is it?

BMI is something many people here in New York and beyond use as a guide to monitor their weight and condition. It’s a great guide to helping a person achieve a healthy standard and to help them remain so. Today’s study comes from the annals of internal medicine March of 2017. It is a pretty […]
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