Which Is It? Bulging Disc Or Herniated Disc? Let Back And Body Medical Break It Down For You.
When you’re suffering from the pain associated with a bulging or herniated disc, you may be confused about the proper name for the condition. A lot of people are. That’s because this condition is referred to by a wide array of terms. These include “pinched nerve”, ruptured disc, slipped disc and torn disc. For our […]
Read MoreWhy Try Chiropractic Treatment for Shoulder Impingement
You’re going about your usual activities–reaching for something on the upper shelf, hoisting your bag onto your shoulder, waving goodbye to a friend – when suddenly, something in your shoulder seems to “catch.” The pain sears through your arms to your shoulders toward the neck. The ache becomes more persistent, especially when you’re sleeping (or […]
Read MoreNon-Surgical Decompression – NYC Sciatica Sufferers' Treatment Option
The sciatic nerve refers to a group of nerve roots found in the spinal bones or vertebrae. The sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, goes from the lower back down to the muscles of the buttocks to the legs and feet. Irritation or pressure on this nerve leads to the condition known as […]
Read MoreTreating Scar Tissues Using The Graston Technique — Midtown Therapists Share Its Benefits
When a person experiences an accident or injury to the soft tissues, scar tissue can develop. Unlike healthy tissues like tendons and ligaments (which are dense, elongated fibers running toward the same direction) and other tissue types (that can be dense, loose and irregular, with some fibers going multiple directions), scar tissue is healthy tissue […]
Read MoreA Primer On Manipulation Under Anesthesia
If you have been undergoing conservative treatment for your neck, back or joint pain, muscle spasm, shortened muscles or fibrous adhesions for more than eight weeks with little to no improvement, you may be a candidate for manipulation under anesthesia or MUA. MUA involves the use of spinal manipulations, stretches, and postural or articular […]
Read MoreWhat Makes Graston Technique The Ideal Therapy?
Accidents will happen, injuries will occur — and through it all, the incidence of pain. When pain sets in, your entire day could be affected, which is not at all ideal when you happen to be a very active person. No one wants to endure pain — nor should you have to, what with the […]
Read MoreMedical Massage Therapy: More than Just a Solution to Stress
You often hear people saying that a massage would be great — something that they could certainly use right now. After a long week spent chasing deadlines at work, scrambling to look after the family’s needs, running errands, and keeping appointments, they’re left tired, cranky, and unable to truly relax. A soothing massage would be […]
Read MoreWhat Are Trigger Point Injections?
Trigger point injections are often recommended to people suffering from fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome and tension headaches. But what exactly are trigger points and how can a trigger point injection help? Trigger points are contraction knots that are typically located in the shoulders, upper and lower back muscles and in the extremities. These typically […]
Read MoreA List Of Non-Invasive Methods For Posture Correction
You may not be as hunched at Quasimodo, but if your back’s been aching frequently because you often forget to suck your tummy in, pop your chest out and pull your shoulders back, you better start doing something — if you don’t, the pains can get worse and your spine might already permanently hold the […]
Read MoreWhat You Need To Know About Nerve Conduction Velocity Testing
Through the popular ice bucket challenge, much awareness has lately been drummed up about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, it is an invariably fatal condition characterized by a progressive neuro degeneration that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. The effect eventually spreads to the muscles all […]
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