Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments

Have you ever experienced pain, numbness, weakness, or other uncomfortable symptoms in your hands or wrists? If you have, you may automatically think it’s carpal tunnel syndrome, which leads you to believe you will need surgery to fix the issue. But did you know that treatment guidelines suggest first trying a conservative approach to manage […]
Read MoreDoes Coffee Slow the Brain?

Coffee helps focus the mind, right? According to a 2021 study, a cup of coffee in the morning could actually provide the exact opposite effect. This study involved 32 daily coffee drinkers, and 24 none coffee drinkers, and gave them each a questionnaire which measured levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Then, each person received […]
Read MoreThe Problems of Obesity

A body mass index of 30 or higher is categorized as obesity. The CDC has reported that about 42.4 percent of adult Americans are obese. That has increased by 30 percent over two decades. Obesity is linked with certain health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and even certain cancers. Obesity can also cause […]
Read MoreShoulder Pain Therapy v Exercise

SAIS (Subacromial impingement syndrome) is a very common cause of shoulder pain and functional restrictions. It occurs when tendons of the rotator cuff, head of the biceps brachii, and the subacromial bursa are pinched/ impinged during movement activities. This causes you to feel pain and reduced motion/function in affected areas. A lot of people think […]
Read MoreHow to Help Migraines through Lifestyle Choices

Did you know that migraine headaches are the main cause of disability for people under the age of 50? Today, we will be talking about the underlying causes of migraines. A major cause is inflammation. Let’s look at some healthier choices we can make to avoid these headaches. Let’s start with some background on inflammation. […]
Read MoreStop Low Back Pain from Becoming Chronic

About one and seven adults in the United States suffer from chronic low back pain. Chronic low back pain is described as pain that lasts longer than three months. It has a large effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal activities. So, this makes it important to figure out which factors are associated […]
Read MoreOur Favorite Fitness Apps Part 2

So following on from the first five fitness apps from the last post, we’re next going to be looking at our final top 5 apps. Following the pandemic, so many people have switched to virtual training so it’s hardly surprising to see so many apps on the market. It has to be something unique to […]
Read MoreBack and Body Medical Top 10 Fitness Apps Part 1

At Back and Body Medical, our treatment protocols are very beneficial to sports and active people. Indeed, Dr Perna is a keen athlete himself and has even worked with the Men’s bobsleigh Olympic team, so the team at Back and Body is very well versed in sports injuries and how to deal with them. The […]
Read MoreHow Many Steps a Day Should You Walk?

Some recent studies have found risk factors for premature death such as reduced cardiorespiratory fitness, obesity, smoking, diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary disease, and others. Out of each of these, poor CRS appears to be the leading risk factor for premature death. Today, we will be looking at the question: does walking help with CRS? And, […]
Read MoreRelationship Between the Feet & Hips

During an examination for hip pain and other musculoskeletal conditions, chiropractic doctors will expand their focus beyond just the hip area. This is because there could be other areas in the body that could be causing the pain you feel in the hip. Anything that affects normal locomotion may lead to compensatory changes/ abnormal motion […]
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