Congratulate me! I’m now SFMA Certified

SFMA Certificate David Perna

I am now certified in Selective Function Movement Assessment.  This is a tool for meshing the diverse services we offer at Back & Body Medical.

How that’s done is by providing a common benchmark for all our clinicians to assess movement.  When we’re all on the same page in terms of a template, accuracy is greatly enhanced and that’s good news for the people who come to us for pain relief.

Because SFMA is means of assessing the quality of movement our patients display, it allows our inter-disciplinarian team to effectively “look through the same lens”.  This enhances the collaborative care we provide our patients by bringing universal clarity to the team.

Simple but effective

Functional Movement Assessment was launched in 1995 to be developed as tool for healthcare, fitness and movement professionals to be more finely-attuned to the assessment of dysfunctional movement patterns.

Biomechanics is part of what a chiropractor does, but the screening system provided by SFMA provides a higher level of clarity in the diagnostic process, enhancing what we already do here.

When people come to us in pain, they usually don’t know what the underlying cause is.  SFMA gives us a clearer picture from the moment you come for your first consultation.

Starting with this differential diagnostic model, we manage pain and then set about to use the program to re-calibrate movement to support your full recovery and eventual return to normal function and the activities you’ve put on hold, due to pain.

Developed in a state-of-the-art lab, the concepts behind SFMA are simple, but highly effective.   The FMA team was working with a diverse group of patients, from elite athletes to elderly patients in care homes and that work supports this amazing new program with hands on expertise.

We’ve raised the bar

I’m very excited about applying this new screening model to my practice.  It gives our patients the SFMA edge, which is to apply movement analysis toward addressing biomechanical issues which may lead to reinjury or de-stabilization of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

Most of all, I’m excited for our patients.  My new SFMA accreditation is a bonus for them.  The accuracy provided by this tool makes a life free of pain more accessible, because we’re better able to see movement problems by employing it.

That prevents reinjury and offers hope to those who may never have believed a life free of pain was even remotely possible.

FMA are pioneers in biomechanics.  They’ve created a global community of movement specialists, focused on pain relief and improving the quality of life for people in pain.  I’m proud to join this community and to bring it to our patients in New York City.

Back & Body has raised the bar by gaining this powerful assessment model as part of our work here.

Back & Body Medical

Back & Body’s award-winning multi-disciplinarian care just got even better, so congratulate me!  I’m now SFMA certified and ready to take on your movement issues with new and revolutionary knowledge.

Contact us to benefit from SFMA.

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