Everybody knows that physical therapy is carried out as part of the recovery process. It can both speed the healing process and minimize the discomforts and physical mobility issues created by a prior treatment such as surgery or aggressive medication. Despite the original purpose of physical therapy Midtown NY specialists claim that it can have some after-effects which are not necessarily pleasant. Many of these after-effects are completely natural reactions of the body to the range of movements performed during therapy, but some may be rather abnormal and will require the immediate attention of a physician.
Some of the normal effects include muscle soreness or pain, skin irritation, bruising, feelings of weariness, and sleepiness. The first, pain, is the most common after-effect because physical therapy normally jolts muscles and joint awake from a long rest; the exertion typically proves too much, and so pain is felt afterwards. Normal pain after physical therapy improves over time, though; people’s threshold for it typically increases as they continue to rehabilitate and recover through therapy sessions, which is why it’s important to be consistent. To treat pains, hot and cold compress are often advised. Topical (analgesics) and oral medication may also be prescribed. However, if pain continues to increase in intensity, and the provided treatment methods do not work, it’s highly advised to consult a physician who can study and identify why the treatment is causing such discomfort.
As for skin irritation, this occurs due to the sensitivity of the patient’s skin which may be mainly due to the previous treatment he/she had undergone, and the friction from physical manipulation. Most of the time, skin irritation comes in the form of itchy red bumps and welts; soothing emollients (like those containing aloe vera) may be applied to minimize friction or to get rid of itchiness and swelling.
Bruising, meanwhile, does not happen often. Usually, bruises appear after therapy, again, due to friction. Cold compress is advised to treat bruises after therapy, as well asapply prescribed topical medication, unless physicians find out that the patient has a particular health condition that may be contributing to the bruising.
And the last effects are sleepiness and weariness, both of which are quite common because the physical exertion of therapy can really exhaust most people. Napping is the best solution, but if that’s just not possible, especially with the remaining demands of the day, rehydration through drinking healthy amounts of water will do the trick; drinking water can reinvigorate the body and help get rid of feelings of weariness and sleepiness.