Spinal Decompression Therapy
A Non Invasive Solution for Disc Problems
Many people experience disabling pain in the back, neck, head, leg, and arm. This pain can often be difficult to treat and resolve. Spinal decompression therapy offers a non-invasive and drug-free option which can effectively treat pain resulting from degenerative discs, posterior facet syndrome, and disc herniation.

Through this therapy, the spine can be stretched using a combination of traction therapy and nonsurgical spinal decompression tables or other motorized devices. Depending on the extent of the injury, the force used can be modified in both degree and intensity.
Spinal Decompression Therapy Treats
Spinal decompression therapy is perfect for people with back or neck pain where traditional treatments have not helped significantly.
This includes conditions such as:
- Herniated Discs
- Bulging Discs
- Pinched Nerves
- Sciatica (leg pain) Degenerative Discs
- Spinal Stenosis
- Post-Surgical Pain and more…
Schedule a time to come in and try Spinal Decompression Therapy for your back pain.
Spinal Decompression Therapy Offers a Gentler Approach
This therapy reduces spinal disc and facet joint pressure by cycling through phases of distraction and relaxation, in combination with proper positioning. It is different from and more advanced than normal traction therapy because it can actually treat the source of the problem. It utilizes lowered or even negative pressure to create a vacuum effect, isolate a spinal disc, and pull in the herniation.
In addition, it can create a healing environment by causing nutrients and blood to flow back into the disc.
Spinal Decompression Therapy Helps Rehydrate Discs and Promotes Healing
Rehydrating the disc enhances the natural healing process at the site of injury, offering accelerated and dramatic pain relief. This therapy has enabled many patients to return more quickly to an active lifestyle. In addition, it can create a healing environment by causing nutrients and blood to flow back into the disc.
Rehydrating the disc enhances the natural healing process at the site of injury, offering accelerated and dramatic pain relief. This therapy has enabled many patients to return more quickly to an active lifestyle.
A Therapy that Has Seen Patients Fall Asleep
During a treatment session, the patient lies on the spinal decompression table, which has a support system to stabilize the body. The procedure creates an anti-gravity effect on the spine, which has been described as a pulling sensation.
This treatment is gentle and most patients do not experience any discomfort; some even fall asleep during the process. While multiple treatment sessions are often necessary to produce effective and long-lasting relief, many patients experience a substantial level of pain relief after just a few sessions.
The spinal decompression therapy system used at Body and Back Medical is from Chattanooga, a leader in therapeutic equipment and medicine.
Schedule a time to come in and try Spinal Decompression Therapy for your back pain.
Is Spinal Decompression Successful?
There are many studies and these are ongoing, but the general consensus sees a success rate of between 71% and 89%. These figures are based on a minimum starting pain point of 6/10 or more at beginning of treatment to a pain point of 3/10 or less at the end.
Those numbers suggest a very good success rate, especially if it avoids the need for surgery.
Discover some case studies on Spinal Decompression Therapy.
John Leslie M.D. and the Mayo Clinic 18th Annual Meeting American Academy of Pain Management, Tampa Fl Sept. 5 2007. Multi-center, phase II, non-randomized pilot study utilizing spinal decompression. Designed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of spinal decompression in the treatment of chronic lower back pain.
Patients enrolled – average of ten years of chronic back pain.
After two weeks of treatments of spinal decompression- 50% reduction in pain scores. Upon completion of the entire six week protocol success rate of
88.9% was documented.STUDY:
Norman Shealy CN, Koladia N, Wesemann, M. American Journal of Pain Management. Long-term effect analysis of IDD therapy in low back pain: a retrospective clinical pilot study. July 2005;75,(3).
Of 24 study participants, each reported consistent pain relief and continual improvement of symptoms one year later. Improvement in pain continued after the treatment sessions were completed.
Shealy, CN. Practical pain management: technology review. IDD Therapy. April 2005;5(3).
The treatment leads to satisfactory pain relief and improved quality of life in up to 88% of patients, many of whom have failed other “conventional” approaches. Based on the author’s review of recent study results, IDD Therapy ‘”appears to be the current optimal recommendation for most lumbar pain syndromes.
Eyerman E. MRI evidence of nonsurgical, mechanical reduction, rehydration and repair of the herniated lumbar disc. Journal of Neuroimaging. April 1998;8(2).
All but 3 of 20 patients reported significant pain relief and complete relief of weakness and immobility, when present. This study also shows a correlation between the improvement on the MRI and the reported improvement in pain.
Gose, et al.Vertebral axial decompression therapy for pain associated with herniated discs, degenerated discs, or facet syndrome. Journal of Neurological Research. April 1998.
778 cases
Average time between the initial onset of symptoms and beginning of treatment was 40 months
Data was collected from 22 medical centers in the USA
Pain was rated on a scale from 0-5 with severe pain being 5
Average was 4.2; Success was considered 0-1
Overall the treatment was successful 71% of the timeSTUDY:
Gionis T,Groteke E.D. Orthopedic Technology Review. Decompression using DRX 9000. November 2003.
219 patients with herniated discs and degenerative disc disease 86% showed improvement and resolution of their symptoms 92 % showed improvement overall
2 % relapsed within 90 daysSpinal Decompression is Long Lasting
The success rates of spinal decompression sound pretty impressive. But you may ask, “Will the results last or do I need to keep coming back every week for the rest of my life?”
Several research articles have demonstrated the long-lasting success of spinal decompression.
In the article, “The Treatment of 100 Cases With Articulating Traction Decompression & Specific Patient Posturing Including 12 Month Follow-up” performed by Ryan M. Rosenthal, DC, and Igor Russo, DC , 95% of the total group reported complete and/or significant pain relief. Thus, the overwhelming majority of patients benefited from this treatment. And only 2% went on to need back surgery.
How Can We Help You at Back & Body Medical
We offer spinal decompression therapy here in Manhattan. If you feel you may be a candidate for it, ask yourself these questions:
Are you experiencing chronic neck or back pain?
Has your life been severely impacted? Can you work as you once did, has your social or sporting life been affected?
Have you tried conservative treatment options with minimal results? Things like chiropractic, physical therapy, medication, pain killing injections?
Do you have a diagnosis of sciatica, herniated discs or degenerative discs?
Please note that spinal decompression therapy isn’t for everyone. We will perform a thorough examination and review your medical history before any treatment decision is made. Spinal decompression therapy typically isn’t used if previous surgical fusion in the area of pain has been performed, if you have or had cancer in the spine or bones or if you are currently pregnant.
We are very careful to ensure the level of care you receive is right for your condition and if we feel we cannot help you ourselves, we will refer you on to the appropriate doctor or surgeon who can help.