In recent years, the different types of deep tissue therapy have shown to have many health benefits. This is because it stimulates the natural healing processes of the body. Class 4 laser therapy is a different type of deep tissue stimulation that jump-starts the photobiostimulation process for the treatment of acute and chronic conditions. Class 4 laser therapy is also effective in treating post-surgical pain.
What Happens During Class 4 Laser Therapy?
The LiteCure device is a preferred Class 4 laser therapy device. Three things happen when this device is used:
Pain is reduced.
Inflammation is reduced.
Tissue healing is enhanced.
The ligaments, muscles, and hard and soft tissues benefit. Even the bones can benefit from this therapy. The treatment also stimulates the cytochrome oxidase enzyme. This enzyme is present in the mitochondria of cells. This was one of the greatest discoveries in laser therapy science. The injured cells can now be targeted; they are highly receptive of the photons in light because they need the energy. Because of the effectiveness, patients tend to be very happy with the results.
How Class 4 Laser Therapy Works
The class 4 laser isn’t the same as a surgical laser. Lasers like LiteCure use photobiomodulation to inflict high levels of laser injury on the damaged tissue. This is why it is sometimes recommended that individuals undergo laser therapy rather than surgery for acute injuries. If the tissues fail to absorb the energy and heal, then that is when surgery can be considered. The types of injuries that class 4 laser therapy can be used for include:
Shoulder injuries, strains, and sprains
Repetitive stress injuries, such as carpal tunnel
Chronic conditions, such as arthritis or frozen shoulder
Cervical strain or sprain
Injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents
Diabetic foot ulcers and diabetic neuropathy
Back pain
Knee and leg pain
It is best to be evaluated to see if your injury qualifies for treatment using the LiteCure laser. It is painless and helps increase circulation. This then brings more nutrients and oxygen to the affected areas, which are two essential factors in the healing process.
Scientific Evidence
More people are having class 4 laser therapy performed due to the published studies showing the effectiveness of deep tissue stimulation with lasers. More than 100 scientific studies document the effectiveness. Many patients report a reduction in stiffness, muscle spasms, and swelling. As the injured area heals, the function is restored and patients can typically move around pain-free.
Each treatment takes less than 10 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated. Some patients are treated daily, while others receive treatment 2 to 3 times per week. The treatment usually tapers off as improvement is experienced. How many treatments are required depends on the injury being treated, but you will be given an idea of the scope of treatment before you begin. You can use class 4 laser therapy in conjunction with chiropractic care, shockwave therapy, and other treatments in order to experience optimal healing.