Migraines affect some 20% of people in the United States. Many people suffer several migraines a week, while others may only experience them a few times a year. But when they do come, they can be very painful and problematic. There are ways of managing and treating them. Indeed, studies in chiropractic care have shown decreases in intensity and frequency of patients who suffer from them and have subsequent chiro treatment. Here, we’re going to look at 5 ways to reduce migraines.
Chiropractic Treatment
At Back and Body Medical here in Manhattan, we have helped countless patients over the course of the years to see this reduction in pain and frequency. So manual therapy through chiropractic care is our first of our 5 ways to reduce migraines. One study that looked at the effects of chiropractic treatment on migraine sufferers showed a quarter of patients experienced fewer attacks by as much as 90%. Another showed a reduction in intensity as well as frequency.
Diet is so key to our health, it has to be the most important aspect to any person’s overall wellbeing. Maintaining a healthy diet, reducing weight and identifying foods such as carbs, red meat and processed foods may also have an impact on migraines.
Water Intake
Keep drinking water and staying hydrated is another important aspect one can do to reduce migraines. One study compared migraine sufferers who drank plenty of water to those who did not and found the drinkers experienced better outcomes.
Keeping up with vitamins is also an important way to reduce migraines, particularly the intake of Vitamin D and some B vitamins. All have be found to help reduce migraines.
Even melatonin has been found to help migraines. A 2-3 mg dose prior to going to bed is a good suggestion.
If you suffer from migraines, try some of the above 5 ways to reduce migraines. If you are suffering a lot and have tried many different treatments, come in and see us and we can examine you and find an appropriate treatment plan for you. As we said, we’ve already helped countless patients reduce their migraines, we would love to help you too.
Call today (212) 371-2000 or schedule an appointment here.