Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common causes of missed days work. It is often caused by repetitive tasks and even sports utilizing a great deal of wrist activity. If you are particularly prone to carpal troubles, then a special carpal tunnel syndrome diet may help improve your condition.

How would a change in diet help and what foods would pertain to a better outlook with the condition? Well, primarily because carpal tunnel syndrome deals with inflammation along the median nerve, foods with anti inflamation properties can help considerably.

Here’s a selection of suggested foods:


Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna contain omega 3 fats such as EPA and DHA which really help in the reduction of inflammation. If you are not keen on fish, then taking supplements can be substituted instead. A dosage of 1000 mg of EPA and DHA combined can help considerably. Do consult with your physician if you are preparing for surgery or take blood thinners though.


Another omega 3 acid, known as ALA (alpha lipoic acid) also helps reduce inflammation which is found in walnuts. While inflammation is reduced, it is not on the same level as eating fish.


An enzyme known as bromelain is prevalent within pineapple and is another food which reduces inflammation and comes with the bonus of improving digestion. Be aware, this too can thin the blood if taken as a supplement so again, check with your primary.


Found in curry sauces and mustards this again is another anti inflammatory food which helps the carpals. Combined with ginger and black pepper, its properties are even more enhanced.


Spinach is the final food we will suggest here and it contains vitamin B6 which is known to help reduce pain.

All the above foods can really help with keeping your carpal tunnel syndrome at bay by reducing inflammation and pain. We have many more suggestions to help with improving your diet so that we can really get your condition under better control and to keep you fit and active.

Do be aware though on the supplement side of things to double check with your doctor if you are preparing for surgery or take blood thinners so that other recommendations can be made.

As ever, if you are still having problems with your carpals, please contact us so we can better examine you and treat accordingly.

If you are in pain, contact us now. We have three simple ways you can make an appointment at our Back and Body New York chiro office:

Call now on (212)371 2000 or text (315)873-3095 or email us at

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very common entrapment neuropathy / extreme pinched nerve. Most people think that Carpal tunnel syndrome can only affect computer workers or assembly line workers, which is a common misunderstanding. Carpal tunnel syndrome is actually quite common in athletes. Back and Body NY is going to tell you why.

Sports like golf, tennis, cycling, and baseball require the athlete to have a tight grip, lots of repetition, and barely any rest time. The soft tissues in the wrist can become very sensitive and exceed capacity. This stress builds pressure on the median nerve, which results in the carpal tunnel like pains. Numbness, tingling, and many others. Trauma to the wrist can also lead to CTS like symptoms.

A diagnosis of Carpal tunnel syndrome can be found by a large group of tests rather than just one. A person’s history and symptoms are paired with results from the several simple tests, and a diagnosis is made. Sometimes, Carpal tunnel syndrome co-exists with other conditions that can mimic the symptoms of Carpal tunnel syndrome. A nerve conduction test or an electromyography test can be done to clear this up.

Here at Back and Body NY, we can perform mobilization and manipulations to the wrist and other areas like the elbow, shoulder, and neck that run across the median nerve. Some other non invasive treatments include: wearing a wrist splint at night, using anti inflammatories (ginger, turmeric, bioflavonoids), modifications to the sport, managing vocational and non vocational factors that may be putting stress on the wrist, making sure you have other medical problems on control that can contribute to Carpal tunnel syndrome, and doing specific exercises at home to ease the condition.

If you are having wrist pain, make sure to come see us at Back and Body NY. Early intervention with carpal tunnel syndrome is extremely important in getting the best results possible. Do not wait before finding care if you have pain, numbness, or tangling in the wrist, hands, or fingers.

Contact us now. We have three simple ways you can make an appointment at our NYC chiro office:

Call now on (212)371 2000 or text (315)873-3095 or email us at

The term ergonomics stems from the Greek words ergon (work) and nomos (laws). According to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration, ergonomics is defined as “the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population.” Good ergonomics in the workplace is key to maintaining our body’s proper health and function, and it can have a major effect on the quality of our work.

Ergonomics involves the physical stressors in our workplace as well as related environmental factors. For example, physical stressors are any activities that put strain on the bones, joints and muscles. These can involve things such as performing repetitive motions, vibrations, working in awkward positions and actions using excessive force. Environmental factors that contribute to bad ergonomics include loud noise, bad indoor air quality and improper lighting.

Bad ergonomics can increase the risk of injury to the musculoskeletal system, causing conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and neck and back pain, as well as creating a range of other health problems, including sick building syndrome, eyestrain and hearing loss. However, there are steps you can take to improve your workplace ergonomics that can help reduce health risks.

Cumulative trauma disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis, are caused by repetitive motions such as typing. To prevent this, set up your computer workstation in a way that allows your hands and wrists to be in as neutral a position as possible. When sitting at your desk, your chair should be at a height where your eyes are level with the top of your computer screen, and your arms are at a 45-degree angle for typing. Ensure that your wrists are not angled up or down or to the left or right. If your desk is too high to keep your forearms straight, raise the height of your chair and use a footrest to keep your feet from dangling.

Your chair should be at a height where your feet are flat on the floor or on a footrest, while keeping your knees just slightly higher than the level of the seat. The chair should provide some light support to your lower back (use a pillow, if necessary) while allowing you to move freely. The arms of the chair should support your lower arms while letting your upper arms remain close to your torso.

To reduce eyestrain, adjust ambient lighting to diminish glare and adjust the brightness and contrast until your eyes are comfortable reading. If you are working in a noisy area, use earplugs or headphones that cut ambient sound (but not set loud enough to damage your hearing!).

Good ergonomics also involves taking frequent breaks. Move around, get some fresh air and focus your eyes on things at varying distances.

Computer work has become the backbone of most of our daily lives. But with its rise in the workplace, there has been a concurrent increase in injuries associated with repetitive computer work, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury. Incorrect usage of a keyboard or a mouse can be the culprit, since unnatural keyboard positions exert stress on the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the hands and wrists. An unsupported wrist can be the cause of wrist fatigue, and if your wrist is resting in the incorrect position, extensive typing, can pose a threat.

Ergonomic equipment can help to minimize the risks of injury during extended computer work. If you are a frequent computer user, it might be worth investing in an ergonomic mouse pad or keyboard.

When looking for an ergonomic mouse pad, there are some key features to take into consideration. Look for a mouse pad that allows you to maintain your natural hand position. It needs to imitate the position the wrist has when at rest, by providing an angled surface. Also, make sure the mouse pad has a non-slip grip to ensure it remains in place under normal movement. Purchasing an ergonomic mouse pad and choosing one made from soft material or filled with a soft gel can help to remove the pressure from the tendons and nerves. Hard materials cause compression and pressure on the tendons and nerves in the wrist, and can lead to pain and discomfort. Most importantly, check that the pad is comfortable, offering a good position for your wrist at rest and good freedom of movement while working.

When it comes to keyboards, a wrist rest is a good investment, since it’s designed to give your wrists a break after typing for long periods of time. If you’re typing incorrectly, it helps to alleviate the pain associated with repetitive strain injury or carpal tunnel syndrome. A good wrist rest helps to keep your wrists off the edge of the hard desk and can also help to prevent incorrect posture during typing. Before buying a wrist rest, make sure you know the height and width of your keyboard. There are many styles available on the market, and it’s important to find the wrist rest comfortable for you. It needs to be the same height and width of your keyboard and it’s key to find a wrist rest that conforms to the shape of your wrist. When placing the wrist rest against the edge of the keyboard, there shouldn’t be a gap between the two. Adjust the position so that the wrist rest is set at the edge of the desk.

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