Spinal decompression therapy in New York helps those patients who suffer from spinal problems and back and neck pain. While the source of this pain may emanate from the spinal areas, it can also affect the extremities of the body, arms and legs etc.
One of the conditions that can cause this pain throughout the spine and to the arms and legs is from joints that have been compressed. This could be from disc herniations or general degeneration or other issues, but one way to help correct this is through spinal decompression.
This is a non invasive procedure that utilizes a special machine that gently stretches the spine out to relieve this pressure on the joints and release any trapped nerves that may have been infringed upon. The machine is programmed based on the specific needs and condition of the patient and is set up to focus on the actual area of the problem.
The time on the machine and intensity will depend on the condition of the patient along with the number of treatments needed, but we have found most of our patients enjoy their treatments and some even fall asleep due to the gentle traction that machine offers.
How it works is by gently pulling the spine in an intermittent relaxation and distraction movement focusing on the area of concern. The patient will lay down on the table, be strapped in and the machine does its work. The treatment has a secondary benefit in that it helps increase the rate of nutrients around the area along with improving blood flow too. Both things help to decrease healing time and get you up and running again.
So if you are feeling in pain in your spine and have numbness or pain in your extremities, spinal decompression therapy in New York could be the answer. Call us and make an appointment and we’d be happy to examine you to see if this non invasive procedure can help you.
If you have any questions, please contact us, we would be happy to help you.
In pain? Want a tune up? Call us today (908) 325 – 3000. We can treat and help you.