Whether you trip and fall on an icy sidewalk, on the way up the stairs, or boarding a bus, you can really hurt yourself.
It happens to the best of us. And when we take a tumble and hurt ourselves, it’s often the case that rehabilitation is in our future.
Elderly people are especially prone to falls and when you’re older, you may not be able to break your fall with your upper body. Even whiplash can result from a serious slip and fall.
Uneven surfaces or even, slip and fall accidents occur with frightening frequency. Almost 20,000 people in the USA die in such accidents every year. These accidents are also responsible for 1 in 6 workplace injuries.
But you can slip and fall in your own home – the bathtub, a wet kitchen floor, bringing in the groceries – the possibilities for taking a tumble are endless.
But there’s good news, if you’ve had a serious slip and fall – we can help!
Pain Relief That Works
Back & Body Medical is a unique pain relief resource in the heart of Manhattan. Here you’ll find multi-disciplinarian support from a team of clinicians.
I’m a chiropractor, working with a team of acupuncturists, sports medicine specialists and physical therapists. Together, we tailor care to the individual patient.
Simply put, what works for one patient isn’t going to work for another, so we carefully consult to ascertain the right therapy (or combination of therapies) for each patient.
This patient-centered approach has won Back & Body awards because it works.
The Heart of the Matter
When you come to Back & Body after a slip and fall accident, we employ leading-edge diagnostics to get to the heart of the matter.
Only with an accurate diagnosis are we able to treat you effectively, so we deploy all the tools in our toolbox to find out where the pain is coming from. Then, we treat it with right therapy or combination of therapies for you.
More Good News
Because our facility is patient-centered, we do everything we can to correct possible biomechanical issues which may have led to your accident.
We ensure your gait, balance and posture are not at fault. If one or a combination of these factors turns out to have been a factor in your accident, we work with you to correct the problem, reducing the likelihood of any future slip and fall incidents.
We partner with you to attend to issues like these. Further, we ensure that you’re making all the right moves toward recovery. Your diet and the amount of sleep you get greatly contribute to success in recovery.
And if you smoke, or are carrying extra weight, we’ll be encouraging you to stop smoking and lose a few pounds. Both these factors can impact healing negatively.
Back & Body Medical
Slip and fall? We can help, at Back & Body Medical in the heart of Manhattan. At our conveniently-located clinic, pain relief is found under one roof – not a bunch of clinics all over town.
Contact us. Feel better!