Radicular pain is pain that is felt on part of the body, but its source originates elsewhere. It’s sometimes difficult to diagnose so a systematic approach is required to locate the actual problem. Irritated nerves is one of the most common reasons for radicular pain as an infringed nerve in the shoulder may cause problems further down the arm for example. So we will look at 4 ways we can treat radicular arm pain in patients.
We have several methods in how we can help, diagnose and treat such things.
Evaluation Process (Nerve Tensioning)
Because nerves are dynamic, and they move and stretch, neurologic complaints can be an issue if these are impaired in any way. Sciatica is a great example of this and normally a test done on this (normally getting the patient to raise their leg when laying down). With radicular arm, pain, we can do a similar thing. We can perform certain stretches and see how the patient reacts to help us narrow down the problem.
Management (Nerve Flossing)
The management process aims to restore proper function to assist in resolving the problems. Nerve flossing looks at tensioning one end of the nerve while releasing the other and repeating the process. This helps the nerve glide back and forth and helps to release scar tissue and adhesions. It also may form part of home care as well to expedite recovery.
Also known as the Clinical Audit Process. Measurement is vital to understand how we are doing in treatment. If we don’t measure then we can’t know how effective treatment is or what might need to be changed to improve things. In chiropractic care, measurement is normally taken in the form of range of motion. For example, before treatment a patient may be able to bend 25 degrees before experiencing pain. After treatment, that may increase to 55 degrees. We know treatment is helping.
With nerve issues, this process normally takes longer to see any positive results in change. It is therefore vital that we keep a close eye on the changes we do see to establish the correct course of treatment remains. Nerve tension tests both before and after treatment is one such way of establishing this measurement.
Patient Education
Finally, explaining to our patients what we are doing is a vital part of the process. Communicating any and all changes with them helps them to understand what is happening, what to expect and how to manage things when they are not in our practice. This education and communication enables both us and our patient to be on the same page and to help with the recovery and treatment process.
Like sciatica, arm radicular problems can be tricky to diagnose, manage and treat, but following these four steps, we can help ensure a standard level of care which we will be able to help reduce pain and expedite recovery. Moreover, we will also be able to compare your condition with previous patients and provide you with an estimate of how things are likely to progress.
If you have any questions on our treatment options in New York, please contact us, we would be happy to help you and see what we can do for you.
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