In 2007, the American Orthopaedic Association for Sports Medicine founded the STOP (sports trauma and overuse prevention) program.
The purpose was to stop what the founding members of the program considered to be an alarming increase in the number of overuse injuries in young athletes. With a strong focus on smart play and prevention, STOP partners with an array of medical associations to educate the public about overuse injuries and how to prevent them from happening.
But young people aren’t the only athletes who develop recurring sports injuries. Adults, including professionals, can wind up with them and they’re no fun at all. They can, in fact, end athletic careers and diminish the quality of life.
So, this post outlines the basics of preventing a recurring sports injury, because prevention is better than the alternative.
Acute or overuse?
While acute injuries in sports like fractures and sprains are not uncommon, overuse injuries are by far the most common. And the STOP program is doing a public service by educating the public about preventing these in young people. An overuse injury in a teen can severely limit performance, but it can also lead to chronic pain and your teens is too early to start a life of pain.
Common causes of overuse injuries including not preparing the body for the activity you’re about to engage in and biomechanical issues that aren’t being addressed. Bad form is something that should be addressed at the coaching level, but this is too often glossed over in the pursuit of nurturing technical ability.
Prevention is common sense stuff
A body which isn’t adequately prepared for intense physical activity is more prone to injury of both the acute and overuse varieties. When your muscles aren’t warm and your tendons and ligaments are starting cold, too, you’re in the line of fire.
Stretching and mild cardiovascular activity to signal your body that you’re about to ask a lot from it are not frills. They’re necessities.
Ensure that the footwear you’re using for your chosen sport are the right ones for the surface you’re playing on. It’s also important that you’re not wearing footwear that’s seen better days. Reserve your sports shoes for the field. They’ll last longer.
Make friends with me. I’m a chiropractor and because I work at Back & Body Medical, I’m part of a team which includes an acupuncturist, as well as sports medicine specialists and physical therapists.
We can tell you if you have biomechanical issues which need to be corrected, so you can prevent a recurring sports injury. We’re pain relief professionals who bring you strong support that keeps you in one piece, so you can enjoy your chosen sport for decades to come.
Calling all athletes
Back & Body Medical is an award-winning pain relief clinic in the heart of Manhattan. We bring you personalized care that puts you first.
Whether you’re a pro or a weekend warrior, we can keep you on the field for the long haul. Ready to meet the athlete’s best friend? Contact us.