New York City’s Integrated Physical Therapy Solution

Find your physical therapist at Back and Body Medical

a hand scheduling physiotherapist on a calendar

Finding the right physical therapist can be a process, involving a lot of trial and error and wasted time.  Everyone seems to know someone who knows someone who knows someone else when you’re seeking out a skilled physical therapist.  You need a physical therapist in New York City who’s both competent and skilled – someone who can help get you back to operating at full strength.

Back and Body Medical is New York City’s integrated solution for those seeking a top-flight physical therapist.  We work as a team, offering our patients the kind of multi-disciplinary care that provides our patients with a full range of therapeutic options.

You’re an individual.  So at Back and Body Medical, we build individualized care programs, focused on each patient’s needs.  Our physical therapists are skilled professionals.  Your Back and Body team of clinicians works as an integrated unit to deliver comprehensive physical therapy in New York City.

A wide array of therapeutic options

Back and Body Medical is dedicated to providing our patients with evidence-based treatments which have been proven through research and resulting data.  We offer scientifically proven therapies that work.  In assembling a program of care, your physical therapist will be diligent in pinpointing the cause of your issue via our state-of-the-art diagnostics.

Once the source of your pain has been established, the physical therapist’s job is to assemble the right combination of therapies for you, implicating other members of the team, if necessary.

From medical massage to Graston Technique to spinal decompression therapy, Back and Body Medical’s suite of therapeutic services is the most comprehensive available in New York City.  That’s because we hire physical therapists committed to ongoing training.

It’s not enough for us that a physical therapist be accredited.  We expect members of our team to engage in professional enhancement, ensuring that our patients have access to the most up-to-date treatments available.

Because of our commitment to excellence and ongoing learning and research, our chiropractors and physical therapists are enabled to go above and beyond, extending world-class care to our patients.  With the range of therapies we offer, you won’t find yourself running from one specialist to another in search of relief for your physical issue.  You’ll find yourself in a comprehensive facility that offers its patients a full spectrum of the state-of-the art care.

All under one roof, Back and Body Medical is New York City’s most diversified back and body care facility.  When your physical therapist is on our team, our team is on yours.  That’s a lot of experience and expertise to draw on.

Connect with your physical therapist at Back and Body

At Back and Body Medical in New York City, our physical therapy team is the best in the business.  Our patient outcomes speak to the excellence of their work.  If you’re seeking a physical therapist in New York City, call to discover the difference an integrated approach makes.