COVID19 has hit the state hard and we are seeing more and more cases each and every day here. It’s essential to follow CDC and the governor’s guidelines to help flatten the curve and allow our healthcare services to be able to do what they can to help as many people as they can.
Each and every one of us also has a responsibility to try and remain at home as much as possible and to bide their time until such time we have peaked the curve and are seeing a decrease in numbers affected.
So what can you do at home to remain healthy both mentally and physically? We have a few suggestions to help you through the coming weeks.
Keep Hydrated
You should be drinking plenty of water anyway, but now it is even more important to do so. Frequent drinking flushes potential viruses down to the stomach and away from your lungs, plus it is good for your body too.
Hot drinks is also good to do often. Coffee, tea and the like can help a lot. Even gargling with salt water is a good idea too.
Bottom line, drink water frequently.
Frequent Exercise
If you find yourself sitting more now, get up and stretch. Do some exercises in your home. Yoga is great for the body and the mind too. Look up some yoga exercises on Youtube and get into a daily routine of helping your mind and body cope with being shut in.
If you have a treadmill or gym equipment, use this often as well. A healthy mind and body are within your reach.
Diet & Food
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Work out a good diet that appeals to you and follow it. Eating properly is a great way for your body to remain strong and healthy to help your immune system defend against any virus.
Lifestyle & Hobbies
Being stuck inside is not much fun if you cannot go out, so you need to start thinking of ways to occupy your mind. Have a book you’ve been meaning to read or a hobby you want to try? Do them now. It’s a great time to try something new as long as it keeps you in the house.
If you’re working from home or have your own business, are there any things that you can do to strategize for when this crisis is over?
Think about how you can use this time to grow within yourself both personally and professionally. Think about ways you can be a valuable asset to your community now and in the future. In great crisis there are many great opportunities to be had. What can you work on within yourself right now that can make you an asset to others in the future and beyond?
While it is very hard right now know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It will not be like this forever. Humanity has overcome many things in its history and it will overcome this as well. But be part of the solution and apply the above to make yourself healthier and better than before.
We aim to be open as soon as we possible can again so that we may be able to help our patients get out of pain and to get fit again. We will continually keep you updated and informed of any changes. Take care and stay safe and healthy.