How Does Physical Therapy Help Athletes?

physical therapy for athletes

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite, professional athlete, or an enthusiastic weekend warrior. There’s no question demand much of your body.

But to be in optimal form, training and diet aren’t enough.  You need to know that all systems are go and that you’re up to the challenge, physically.

This is where physical therapy as part of your training ritual can make all the difference.

So, how does physical therapy help athletes?  Let’s talk about it!

Enhanced Mobility

A physical therapist is thoroughly trained to navigate the complexities of your musculature.  A physio is also going to know how stretching can make it even more efficient.

With a skilled physical therapist in your corner, you’ll learn how to get the most from stretching and how to limit stress to muscles, while intelligently pushing your range of motion.  Better mobility and flexibility means better performance and less chance of injury.


Part of your work with a physical therapist will involve observing your athletic form.  The physical therapist can spot biomechanical issues which may contribute to weakness and help you fix them.

Because of this, you’ll find that working with a physical therapy professional results in more efficient movement, greater power and better coordination.


Following a sports-related injury, a physical therapist’s job is to help you recover fully and rapidly.  When you have the benefit of a physical therapist, you’ll be one of the lucky people who gets to avoid taking harmful medications and even surgery.

An injury can mean pain, but you’ll experience significantly less of it when recovering with a physical therapy professional.  By guiding you through targeted movement, your blood flow will increase, which in turn promotes healing.

In addition, you’ll learn to maintain and even build muscle mass in the recovery period, so you don’t lose so much of what you’ve gained in training.

And some more great news for athletes?  The field of physical therapy is growing, as people begin to see the numerous benefits offered by regular visits to a PT professional.

It’s anticipated to grow by 28% by the year 2026.  That’s how demand it is for people who have been injured, are looking to correct gait and posture issues and looking for a medical professional to walk alongside them as they train.

But the best news of all is people seeking pain relief and enhanced sports performance have a superior resource at their disposal in the heart of Manhattan, at Back & Body Medical.

Back & Body Medical

Our facility is committed to the relief of all kinds of pain, applying a multi-disciplinarian model which has won our team awards.

We’re a group of pain relief clinicians practicing chiropractic, sports medicine, acupuncture and (of course) physical therapy at one convenient location.

Instead of going all over town to find relief and support for your athletic pursuits, you’ll find everything you need at Back & Body, all under one roof.

With individualized, patient-centered care, we deliver pain relief that works.  Ready to experience leading-edge support for athletes?  Contact us.

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