Chiropractic care has grown by so much over the past few years in the US, which is why Chiropractors are the third most common type of doctor following medical doctor and dentist. This number is expected to grow even more because many patients have been seeking alternative treatments to opioids and painkillers. Back and Body Medical in New York has very successful ratings and reviews. We have over 30 5 star Google reviews.
Here at Back and Body Medical, we strive for positive patient outcomes. As of this time of writing, we have over 170 5 star reviews on Google alone. The results do speak for themselves, but studies and science also speaks for the great results. Here are some facts and statistics for you to take away:
- Chiropractic comes from the two Greek words cheir (hand), and praktis (to do).
- 27 million adjustments are done every year, which means a million each day, 125,000 per hour, and 2,100 per minute.
- Every NFL and NBL team has their own chiropractor as part of their medical team
Some numbers include:
- Over a four week period, 56 % of patients getting medical treatment saw a 30 % decrease in pain. Over the same amount of time, the chiropractic group pain decrease was 94 %.
- Medicare would save around 84 million dollars every year if patients used chiropractic treatment rather than medical treatment
- Chiro care has barely any side effects and is extremely safe, opposed to opioids and painkillers
If you are in pain, call and make an appointment today at Back and Body Medical in New York. We are here to help you based on your condition.
If you are in pain, suffer from back pain, neck pain, headaches or whatever, come in and see us, we can help. We also accept insurance and would be delighted to help you out of pain. Call us today or Schedule an appointment.