Unlike the types of lasers used in surgeries and cosmetic treatments, cold laser therapy New York City residents ought to know,is a kind of therapy that uses low-intensity lasers. This is why it is also called low-level laser therapy or LLLT. In addition, it can go by other names like soft laser, low-power laser therapy, bio stimulation, and therapeutic laser.
Cold laser therapy works by applying low-level light to the specific areas on your body that needs to be treated. When the tissues of the target body part absorb the light from the laser, a biological or chemical reaction happens. If your cells have been damaged, low-level lasers can help facilitate regeneration.
The wavelength and output that will be used for the treatment will depend largely on the treatment’s purpose. On average, the wavelengths used in most treatments range between 600 and 700 nanometers. In instances wherein deeper penetration is required, the wavelengths used range between 780 and 950 nanometers.
One of the chief advantages of cold laser therapy is that you will feel nothing save for the device touching your skin. You will feel no heat or pain, hear no sound, or feel any kind of vibration. This makes cold laser therapy completely non-invasive. Plus, each treatment session just takes a few minutes of your time.
Cold laser therapy has found wide applications in different medical fields, including dentistry and physical therapy. It has also found use in complementary and alternative medicine.
One of the most popular applications of this type of laser therapy is in the treatment of minor injuries like sprains. Practitioners of physical therapy and sports medicine rely on this treatment to facilitate faster healing of joints and soft tissue and to aid in the reduction of swelling. Cold laser therapy can also aid in the faster healing of wounds, including those which are related to diabetes.
Cold laser therapy is also used as a tool for pain management. It is popular among patients of pain clinics and establishments that offer therapeutic massage. There are also some acupuncturists who have begun using cold laser therapy as a substitute for needles.
Cold laser therapy offers several advantages. For one, it is painless. It is also non-invasive and does not require much preparation on the part of the patient. Most studies indicate that this therapy has minimal to no side effects.
If there is one drawback to this therapy, it is the fact that it may take a number of treatment sessions before you actually notice results.