As you’re aware, we have a mountain of great info, advice, tips and news on our blog section of our site. This forms a very good library of what we have shared and continue to share in the future. Also, we have several online books that are free for you to download and read. They’re quite short, but contain good basic information and will give you a great foundation on the area of concern on your body. You can download one or as many as you want.
So, the books available are:
Your Comprehensive Guide to Lower Back Pain
This guide looks at the most common issues surrounding back pain, how it occurs and who is most likely to to be affected by it. It moves on to discuss treatment options and things you can do in your own home to help manage the pain.
Back and Neck Pain Related to Auto Accidents
If you’ve been involved in an accident, this is the book for you. It’s starts out by explaining why accident victims tend to get back and neck injuries and explains the concept of whiplash. Further help and advice is presented in the book and encourages you to seek treatment as soon as you can to avoid unnecessary future pain.
Everything You Need to Know about Text Neck
This book is very much at the forefront of what many people experience now thanks to modern technology and in particular, cell phone use. It shows the affects of tilting your head forwards to look at a phone and the affect on the neck while doing so. Neck problems have seen a huge increase over the past decade thanks to Steve Jobs and the iPhone. Find out what you can do to avoid text neck in this book.
Office Related Neck Shoulder Pain
Shoulder problems have also been on the increase, again thanks to modern technology. It seems the bulk of these issues are from the office place, so this guide looks at problems as they are related from that area. So some great tips to look at and help avoid in the future.
Our final book is about sciatica, how it forms and what can be done about it. Sciatica is a very common problem and one that can be treated. The book gives some great information about the causes of the condition and what to watch out for.
Feel free to download and share these books with your friends or family and remember, we are able to treat all the conditions covered in each book. Pain needn’t be in your life for long and as a collaborative care practice, we will be sure to find the therapy or therapies that can not only treat your pain, but get you feeling great as well.
If you are in pain, suffer from headaches or whatever, come in and see us, we can help. We also accept insurance and would be delighted to help you out of pain. Call us today or Schedule an appointment.