In recent years, mild traumatic brain injury has been a major topic in the sports world. Usually, patients recover within a few weeks. Some, though, can experience ongoing issues, known as post concussive syndrome. Today we are taking a look at what current studies have to say about mild traumatic brain injury, and if chiropractic care is beneficial for recovery.
A study done in April 2021 looked at the clinical prevalence, diagnostic methods, and treatment options for neck related symptoms. These occur during the acute and chronic stages after a concussion. The rate of symptom resolution is usually reduced when the next symptoms are present following concussion. Unfortunately, researchers were not able to find out how often next symptoms are present during the acute stage of concussion. Estimates believe that it can occur in up to 70% of cases. Researchers were able to find that the risk for developing post concussive syndrome increased by two 26 times in mild traumatic brain injury patients who experienced neck pain in the acute stage. Manual therapy provided by a doctor of chiropractic can benefit post concussive patients, which the review also found.
In December 2020, I thought he was done which used a multi modal management approach group for three patients. Two had sports related injuries and one had a non-sports related injury. Each of the patients was also in a different stage of recovery. The treatment plans were tailored to each individual patient. These included patient education, manipulative therapy, and visual rehabilitation exercises. Here’s three important things that the study found:
1) The efficacy of three different multi-modal treatment plans based on suggested clinical profiles for patients with PCS (post-concussive symptoms);
2) That the delineation of concussion literature based on mechanism of injury (sport vs. non-sport) may be unnecessary; and
3) These cases provide encouraging evidence to support the use of manual therapists—such as chiropractors—as part of the multi-modal, interdisciplinary healthcare team.
Something interesting that was found was that resting until the point of symptom resolution is possibly unnecessary. They also discovered that complete rest for more than a few days was not supported by recent literature. This was a seconded statement from the American Medical Society for sports medicine. They instead encouraged patients to use anti-inflammatory nutritional supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, and limiting white sugar and processed meat.
Doctors of chiropractic provide lots of treatments that help with post concussive syndrome. These are as follows: manual therapies, massage therapy, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, exercise training, diet nutritional counseling, and more. If you are experiencing symptoms similar to post concussive syndrome, or any other musculoskeletal pain, make an appointment with us today.
If you are suffering in pain, we can help. Through chiropractic, physical therapy and other treatment options, we have many options to help you. Schedule an appointment today or call us (212) 371-2000