Biking is a relaxing, healthy activity beloved by millions of people around the world. But it’s also a sport which can lead to serious injuries, if you’re not careful. And many of those injuries are visited on the structures of the spine in the back and neck.
While accidents certainly do happen, you can prevent some of them by making a few key choices.
You may be sporty bike rider. You may be a hobbyist who toodles around town on the weekend. Either way, the right bike can make a huge difference, especially if you have a back that sometimes acts up.
Let’s review some better biking tips for your spine, so you can enjoy the experience of riding without worrying about an old injury flaring up or a new one manifesting.
A Comfy Ride
If you’re concerned about bumps in the road giving you surprise jolts, then choose a bike with large tires and good shock absorption. A mountain bike is an excellent choice for sports or leisure riding.
But much depends on how you feel most comfortable seated on a bike, so check out the saddle position, too. Also, you may feel at your best sitting upright on your bike and not leaning over the handlebars (like those guys in big bike races). The “fixie” (or fixed gear bike) may be what you’re looking for.
Realism and Alertness
When it comes to things like riding a bike, some people need to prove themselves – or so they believe. We can get a little sensitive about our skill and endurance level, which is not helpful to our spines.
So, know your levels of fitness and skill and honor them. If you’re new to biking or returning to it after a long hiatus, give yourself time to build up. You have nothing to prove to anyone.
And stay alert. You may think you’re fine out there but it’s useful to know that most biking fatalities occur in people aged 50-59. You may have ridden that rode a million times, but times change. Traffic changes. Road conditions change. There are people driving out there who’ve been drinking. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t take any chances, just because you know the road.
One for the Road? Not So Much
An appealing feature in any city is bike mounts on taxis and buses. They’re there for a reason. If you’re tired, or you’ve had a couple of beers, you may think you’re OK to get on your bike. A lot of people tend to think that way about driving a car, too. Both thoughts are unworthy.
Drinking and riding don’t go together any better than drinking and driving, so do yourself a favor and either don’t take your bike to the bar or take a cab or bus with a bike mount home.
And finally – the no-brainer. Wear the helmet. Accept the helmet hair because nothing looks worse on you than a traumatic brain injury.
Back acting up? Contact the pain relief specialists here at Back & Body Medical.