Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatic nerve pain, plantar fascists, knee problems and tennis elbow can be attributed to the overuse of muscles. When muscles and other soft tissues are subjected to overuse, three notable changes occur. First of these are acute conditions like pulls, tears and collisions. The second of these are micro-trauma or the accumulation of small tears. Finally, overuse can lead to a condition known as hypoxia or the deprivation of oxygen in affected muscles and soft tissue.
These conditions can lead to the development of scar tissue. Scar tissues limit the free movement of muscles and soft tissues by binding and tying these up. As scar tissues accumulate, they make the muscles weaker and shorter. It can also lead to tendonitis and trapped nerves. In turn, these lead to decreased range of motion, pain and weakness. In the case of trapped nerves, a patient may report symptoms like tingling and numbness in the affected areas.
One treatment option for patients suffering from issues related to soft tissues is the Active Release Technique NYC residents should know that ART has been proven to quickly and permanently remedy injuries and conditions that result from overused muscles.
ART was developed by Dr. P. Michael Leahy, DC, CCSP. Dr. Leahy refined the technique and patented it. Today, he teaches and certifies other health care professionals who seek to use the technique.
In his own personal practice, Dr. Leahy observed that the changes in overused muscles can be detected through touch. Furthermore, he noticed that the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves responded differently to a variety of soft tissue works.
With ART, Leahy developed a treatment method that relies on the effective partnership between patients and their doctors. A typical ART session entails both an examination and treatment. First, the ART practitioner manually evaluates for the tightness, texture and movement of the muscles and soft tissue. On the patient’s part, he must perform the movements directed by the ART practitioner. At the same time, the practitioner will apply tension at the specific problem area. Leahy has developed and teaches over 500 movements, all of which are specific to ART.
ART practitioners have invested time and effort in learning over 500 moves developed by Dr. Leahy. On top of that, practitioners need to learn how to feel the texture, tension and movement of the affected soft tissue.