Concussions (even potential concussions) should be treated with the utmost care. When you take a hit to the head, shrugging it off is not an option. You need to be examined by medical professionals to determine whether you have sustained a concussion.
It’s been the case in the past that bed rest and lots of it was prescribed as the primary concussion management strategy. But our understanding of concussions in the medical community has grown. We know that bed rest can work against you.
So, this post is about updating your knowledge of safe and effective concussion management, so you’re prepared in the event of an impact to your head or someone else’s.
Rest – a Bit
Immediately following a concussion event, rest is necessary but with new research, we’re seeing periods of prescribed rest abbreviated.
Resting for more than a week while symptoms persist is increasingly considered detrimental to recovery.
There are now other techniques involved in the safe and effective management of concussions you need to know about.
Exercise Therapy
One of the problems presented by concussions is the change in blood flow experienced. Many find that while they’re resting, they feel OK. But when they get up, their symptoms manifest with a vengeance.
Now, researchers at the University of Buffalo had produced several studies revealing alleviated symptoms and improved blood flow derived from exercise therapy alone.
Working with a professional, patients follow a structured program, calibrated to their state of fitness and the severity of their concussion.
Manual Therapy
A Canadian study has decisively shown that all instances of a concussion come with a certain degree of whiplash.
And the symptoms for both these injuries are identical – blurred vision, tinnitus, changes in blood flow and irregular eye movements all present for both concussion and whiplash.
While most cases of concussion resolve in a short period of time, the same is not always true of whiplash. Whiplash can have enduring consequences.
In the event of a concussion, then, it’s necessary that your neck also be attended to. If it’s not, the long-term consequences may come back to haunt you.
Dietary Supports
It’s said that a change is as good as a rest and when it comes to concussions, switching up your diet to aid recovery should be part of the plan.
All injuries come with inflammation. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, it’s going to be there. And one way to deal with it a recovery your diet.
Avoiding foods that feed inflammation (red meat, sugars, pasta and white bread) is your first line of attack. Replace these foods with healthier options like Omega 3-rich fish (mackerel and salmon), nuts and fresh fruits and vegetables to speed recovery.
These are just a few of the emerging tools for concussion recovery the medical community is tuning into.
If you or someone you know sustains a concussion, it’s crucial that you seek medical support as soon after the event as possible.
For ongoing recovery, visit the multi-disciplinarian team at Back & Body Medical, in Manhattan.