Can money buy you time? Maybe, and we’ll talk about it on this next Back & Body video. Dr. Dave Perna here with Back & Body, your collaborative care approach of physical therapy, chiropractic and acupuncture medical servicing the patients in New York City in Midtown, East on 58th and Lexington as well as in Springfield, New Jersey on US Route 22 offering care to the people of Springfield, Milburn, Summit, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains. Today we’re going to discuss research in Lancet, January 2017 that looked at a series of 28 other cohort studies of gathering information of over 1.7 million people. So the question becomes, can money buy you more time?
Well the answer is maybe, because in this study it states that looking at those 1.7 million people they found that people below the poverty line were more likely to die before the age of 85 than people who were not below the poverty line. They also stated that on average, people below the poverty line had a life expectancy reduced by 1.2 years over people living above the poverty line. The author of this study, and I want to quote her exactly, lead author Dr. Silvia Stringhini adds “given the huge impact of socioeconomic status on health, it’s vital that the government accepts its major risk factor and stop excluding it from health policy”. So this is some interesting information.