Posture Correction: Midtown, New York Health Experts Share Useful Tips for Office Employees

Your work habits can affect your poor posture. Sitting for long hours in your office chair, staring at the monitor, or standing too long to wait in line inside or outside the workplace can cause you to develop poor posture.

Office workers who have poor posture are more prone to experiencing aggravated episodes of back and neck pain as well as damaged spinal structures. As such, their overall work performance can be affected and they are at risk of developing other related injuries that can cause them to miss more days from work and other negative consequences.

Poor posture can be corrected, even if an employee is at his or her workplace. Here are some simple yet useful tips for posture correction Midtown New York health experts recommend office employees should follow:
Sit on an ergonomic chair and use other posture-friendly props whenever you’re in the office.

A supportive ergonomic chair and other props can help take the strain and load off of your spine. The ergonomic chair you should have in your office must follow the natural curve of your spine so that your back is always properly supported and cushioned.If you don’t have an ergonomic chair, place a towel or small pillow behind your back while you’re sitting down. If your feet can’t properly reach the floor, use a footrest. Wearing the right corrective eyewear and arranging the monitor to your natural, resting eye position can also help you avoid leaning or straining the neck whenever you tilt your head forward, contributing to your poor posture.

  • Keep your body in proper alignment whenever you are sitting down and while standing for long periods of time.

Always sit up straight and align your head, shoulders, and hips in one vertical line. If you have to sit for a long period of time, shift forward to the edge of the seat with a straight back from time to time to ease the work of back muscles.Properly and evenly distribute your body weight to the front, back, and sides of your feet whenever you are standing up.

  • Wear the right supportive footwear whenever possible.

Although you may love wearing high-heeled shoes, don’t use them often since this type of footwear can affect the body’s center of gravity and initiate the incorrect alignment of your body which can negatively affect back support and posture. If your work requires you to stand for long periods of time, wear supportive orthopedic shoes,and whenever possible, prop a leg up on a foot rest from time to time.

  • Always maintain good posture and ergonomics when in motion.

Lastly, always maintain good posture while moving to avoid injury. A good posture you can adopt is to walk tall with shoulders back while walking or moving around. Also, other activities such as walking, lifting heavy materials, and even typing require considerate attention to ergonomics and proper posture.

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