Physical Therapy: Downtown NY Specialists' Approach to Stroke Rehabilitation

8526286_MWhen a person suffers a stroke, it means that the flow of blood (which contains oxygen) to a portion of the brain has become blocked. The oxygen is necessary for the brain to function properly; without it, brain cells will begin to die after only a few minutes. This can also be caused by sudden bleeding in the brain. The death of these brain cells will result in symptoms occurring in the parts of the body that they control.

These symptoms would be the manifestations that people commonly associate with stroke: numbness or paralysis in or the inability to move the face, legs or arms; difficulty speaking or understanding someone when they are being spoken to; or a sudden weakness, among others.

Life after suffering a stroke

Recovering from this health condition involves relearning the skills that the patient lost when the stroke affected the brain. Different patients will have different symptoms and levels of mobility, so rehabilitation programs will vary depending on their specific needs. Most, if not all, however, require focus on regaining control over physical activities that will enable the person to perform actions that he used to accomplish with ease. And physical therapy downtown NY health specialist’s claim plays a major role in the recovery of stroke patients.

How can physical therapy help?

A physical therapist will conduct a thorough examination of the patient to be able to devise a specialized treatment plan that will help relive pains, address strains, improve mobility, restore function in specific parts of the body, and prevent the occurrence of further disability or injury.

To address the patient’s physical capabilities, a therapist can lead him through various therapies and exercises to help restore function and strength. There are exercises that strengthen motor skills and coordination. Patients who require help in relearning how to walk can benefit from mobility training using walking aids to provide stability and support. There are therapies that concentrate on regaining the patient’s range of motion. And then there are exercises that restrict the use of a limb unaffected by the stroke in order to practice movement in the affected limb.

Aside from exercises for the stroke patient’s physical activities, a physical therapist may also consider utilizing cold laser therapy, acupuncture, ultrasound therapy, spinal decompression, chiropractic, or medical massage, if applicable to the patient’s case.

An improved quality of life

Failing to get immediate attention and the right rehabilitation program can have a significant impact on a stroke sufferer’s overall health and ability to function. Working with a seasoned physical therapist who provides hands-on care and personalized treatment methods can help alleviate pains, restore mobility and flexibility, and help the patient lead a healthier and more functional life.

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