Neck, arm, leg, and back pain can force otherwise active people to slow down and reduce some of their normal activities. Often the cause of such persistent pain is a herniated disc, degenerative disc, or posterior facet syndrome. An effective and safe treatment for these conditions that reduces or completely does away with the pain without invasive surgery or long term use of pain killers that come with potential side effects is spinal decompression therapy in downtown NY.
Spinal decompression therapy in downtown NY involves a combination of traction and decompression tables along with proper positioning. The traction and decompression tables exert a negative pressure on the spine and ensure that the damaged disc is not compressed. This can lead to pain relief as the pressure on the disc and nerves is reduced significantly. The pressure exerted by the traction and decompression tables can be adjusted depending on the extent of injury to be treated.
The spinal decompression therapy in downtown NY depends on alternating distraction and relaxation to reduce the pressure on the damaged discs. Though parts of the therapy are similar to traction, it is superior to using only traction as the negative pressure applied on the discs creates a vacuum that leads to the hernia being pulled in. This means that spinal decompressing works to cure the root cause of the back and neck pain and is therefore more effective.
When you choose spinal decompression therapy in downtown NY you will benefit in two main ways. First, the reduction in pressure on the discs and nerves will help reduce the pain you experience significantly. Additionally, with the reduction in pressure on the discs, they will be better hydrated and receive proper nutrition, leading to their healing faster.
What to Expect
You will be undergoing treatment that involves the use of traction and decompression tables when you sign up for spinal decompression therapy in downtown NY. You will experience pain relief after a few sessions though complete relief and cure might involve more sessions of therapy. The negative pressure applied on the spine is similar to anti gravitational force and patients undergoing the treatment describe it as a pulling sensation. However, it is pain free, with some patients even falling asleep during the procedure.
Safe and Effective
The major advantage of spinal decompression therapy in downtown NY is that it is safe and effective as it is non-invasive and does not use pain killers.