Restore Range of Motion
Remove Impingement
Test Scapula Motion
Next we want to educate you, our patient and encourage changes to actions that are done repetitively. So we will look at some exercises for you and help to understand what you are doing that may cause the injury and then suggest alternative movements. This part is key in the whole treatment and recovery.
Positive Attitude
Something which is often overlooked is a positive attitude. We want to instill a belief that the patient will be out of pain or have their pain reduced to a level where it is not impacting on life. It is incredibly important to recovery (any recovery for that matter) that such an attitude be encouraged and undertaken.
Strengthening the Shoulder
We prescribe exercises to help the condition to lessen the pain and also to strengthen the shoulder. At first exercises will be gentle to help encourage the patient to do them, but as recovery goes on, we want to see these exercises progress. A little discomfort is normal, and while we want to push things, we don’t want to see acute pain return. So this will be monitored closely.
Continuous Movement
It is important to keep motion up and not to simply think that resting will fix the issue. Scientific evidence has shown that exercise and use is better than rest or non use.
If you have shoulder pain, or have any issues, please do not hesitate in contacting us. We are here to help you out of pain, to get back to the life you want to lead and to help you maintain and injury and pain free life.
Schedule an appointment or download call today.