Shoulder Exercises

Exercise is a key aspect of returning to fitness and good health in any physical therapy program. It’s no different here at Back and Body Medical. This video below shows a patient at our Springfield, NJ practice going through several shoulder exercises designed to rehabilitate his shoulder and help him recover to fitness.

It comes in the form of three different exercises designed to help in different planes.

Exercise 1 – Resistance Exercises

This starts with a band held on the outside of the right foot and held in the outside of the right hand (or the side where the shoulder issue is). The patient then pulls the band up in front of him. This helps the bicep and the shoulder to strengthen.

Exercise 2 Concentric Loading

This sees the strap held under the opposite foot and held in the same hand as before and the motion is to bring the arm and hand out to the side.

Exercise 3 Static Holds

A series of three static holds see various loads applied to the shoulder which helps strengthen and increase support for them.

All three exercises can be seen in clearer detail in the video below.

This is a typical part of physical therapy in that we tailor make our treatments based on the patient’s condition and then apply a series of exercises they can practice and build up strength for their afflicted injury.

If you want help with your injury or pain, schedule a time to come in and see us. We will examine and treat you accordingly.

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