Humans are bipeds, which means two-legged animals. This means that our spines will endure larger loads than four legged animals. These larger loads on our spines lead to conditions such as osteoarthritis much sooner in life than that of lions, tigers, bears, and your domestic dog or cat. About 90 percent of us also have one leg that is shorter than the other but a bout a quarter of an inch. This can tilt the pelvis down on the side that has the shorter leg and leads to higher risks for back and neck pain. A simple fix is a heel lift in the shoe, but unfortunately, women are faced with unique anatomical, physiological, and social challenges when faced with back pain. For New York Women and back pain some other thinking is required.

Women have naturally wider pelvises in order to give birth. This means a greater Q angle or “knock knee” measurement in women versus males. The larger that this Q angle is, the less stable the pelvis is. You can compare this to folding the legs of a card table inward, because this makes the table unsteady.

Breast size (weight and mass) is another anatomical difference between women and men. Larger breasts can place stress on the back and neck. In order to avoid this, wear a high quality supporting bra or in the worst case, having a breast reduction.

Hormone levels and variability is an example of a physiological difference between women and men. These levels change more significantly through a woman’s life than a man’s. Estrogen begins producing when menstruation starts (age 9-14), as=nd stops during menopause (ages 49-52). A total hysterectomy, a removal of the ovaries, creates an early menopause.

During your childhood, growth spurts are common. Along with this can come idiopathic scoliosis or abnormals curvature of the spine. Idiopathic stands for unknown, and the reason why women are three times more likely to get scoliosis than men is idiopathic as well. Treatment varies from person to person and the severity of the problem. You may have to wait and watch to see how it develops over time, or the doctor might delv right into manual therapies and posture correction. This includes heel lifts, foot orthotics, and other specific exercises for forward head carriage. Bracing is necessary when curves exceed 40 degrees.

For New York women and back pain, come in and see us. We have many treatment options that can help you. From chiropractic care, physical therapy to more traditional medical services, our multi-disciplined office can help treat you and your pain. And of course we are happy to provide you with exercises and other advice and tips to help you stay pain free.

If you have any questions, please contact us, we would be happy to help you.

In pain? Want a tune up? Call us today (908) 325 – 3000We can treat and help you.

Chronic low back pain treatment in Manhattan is one of the most common pain issues we see. It is a quite common problem that many people can relate to. About 80 percent of adults have missed work sometime in their life due to a low back pain issue, making low back pain the leading cause of job related disability and missed work days. The National Institutes of Health claims that more than 25 percent of adults have had a recent occurrence of low back pain.

We at Back and Body NY help with chronic low back pain treatment in Manhattan with both male and females are equally affected by low back pain. Low back pain can occur following a specific incident, like over lifting or an accident, but it can also grow over time from wear and tear. Studies have found that a sedentary lifestyle during the week following weekend workouts can set the stage for the development of low back pain.

The good news is that about 80 percent of back pain (lasting a few days to weeks) heals with self care or short term management. This leaves the other 20 percent feeling helpless. Fortunately chronic low back pain treatment in Manhattan can help them find relief.

A study looked at relief through spinal manipulation therapy to treat chronic low back pain that persisted for more than six months. Sixty patients were assigned to either 12 treatments of sham therapy for a month, or 12 treatments of therapy for a month with no treatment afterwards or 12 treatments for a month with follow up therapy twice a month for the following nine months.

The study concluded that groups two and three experienced much lower pain and disability scores than those in the sham group. At the ten month mark, only the third group experienced more improvement in pain and disability. Without the continued therapy, the second groups pain scores returned back to close to what they were before any treatment. Chronic low back pain treatment in Manhattan through this therapy shows that it is effective for chronic back pain, but to achieve long term benefits, a patient must continually receive this therapy.

If you have any questions, please contact us, we would be happy to help you.

In pain? Want a tune up? Call us today (908) 325 – 3000We can treat and help you.

Something we tell a lot of our New York back pain patients is to watch their posture. Bad posture is obviously bad for your back, neck and so on, but it has other issues that can affect your health. That is breathing. If you think about it, it does make sense and perhaps not so far fetched as you may initially think.

Consider this… the main factors that can affect breathing problems and patterns with poor posture include being out of shape, shortness of breath, shallow breathing, problems with the diaphragm and associated area, and of course, low back pain. All this is related to poor posture because many of the muscles that help and control our breathing also help provide our core trunk strength too.

Focusing on the diaphragm, because of this core group of related muscles, it is important to realize that these abdominal muscles are what allows us to take in the amount of air, or not, based on how our posture is.

So, when we have poor posture, our muscles in that area are impaired. They are not able to function well and the result is that we cannot breath in as we perhaps should. And this is due to the reduced ability of the transverse abdominus muscle which helps with our breathing and support for the back.

This poor posture also accounts for an increased curve in the lower part of the spine (hence more low back pain), a larger belly and even stretch the hamstrings further than they should.

So how to correct this?

Try this exercise.

  1. Lay on your back with your feet on a wall perpendicular to the floor. So your knees will be at 90 degrees.
  2. Insert a 6 inch ball between your knees.
  3. With your right arm above your head, and place a balloon in your mouth with your other hand.
  4. Breath in through your nose and push your back to the floor while pulling downwards with your heels and squeeze the ball gently with your knees.
  5. Then breath out slowly to the balloon and push your tongue to the roof of your mouth to stop more air going into the balloon.
  6. Keep your tongue where it is and inhale again through your nose.
  7. Repeat the exercise 4 more times without letting any air out of the balloon. It’s also important not to strain your neck or cheeks either.
  8. Once complete relax, take the balloon out of your mouth and let the air out of it.

You can repeat this exercise daily and it will help improve your function and enable you to not only breath better but to also lessen the impact of low back pain.

If you are having troubles still, please come in and see us. We love to help people get out of pain and to improve their posture and have many more exercises and treatments to provide a way to a healthier lifestyle.

If you are in pain, contact us now. We have three simple ways you can make an appointment at our Back and Body New York chiro office:

Call now on (212)371 2000 or text (315)873-3095 or email us at

Low back pain (lBP) is a frequent reason people visit the doctor in the US, and most will experience it in their life. Our NYC back doctor went over how spinal manipulation is a top treatment choice for acute and chronic LBP. Now, let’s see the things you can do outside of NYC back doctor to help manage your LBP.

The best exercises that help manage LBP will target the low back. The best time to perform these exercises would be during the work day, as doing so will help rid of overuse and strain. NYC back doctor will show you some great exercises can be performed sitting or standing during work breaks.

RULES: Perform these exercises slowly to a full stretch that does induce any pain, take three slow deep breaths for each, only do exercises that fit your time limits.

SITTING EXERCISES: 1- bend forwards and reach the floor. 2- twist your body  to the left and the right. 3- Cross one leg over the other one, grasp and pull the crossed leg knee to the opposite shoulder and arch back to its max until a firm stretch is felt in the buttocks.

STANDING EXERCISES: 1- put your foot on an elevated surface (chair, seat, foot stool), and perform an anterior pelvic tilt. Arch your lower back until feeling a firm stretch in the hamstrings. 2- do the steps of the hamstring stretch but this time rotate your trunk to the side of the standing leg until you feel a stretch in your inner thigh. 3- put your fists behind your lower back and bend backwards to a max tolerated point.

Our NYC back doctor wants you to remember that these exercises can be performed throughout your workday whenever you have a spare minute. Our NYC back doctor also suggests that you must do these exercises on a daily basis to help keep your LBP pain from getting worse.

Suffer low back pain? Contact us now. We have three simple ways you can make an appointment at our Back and Body NY chiro office:

Call now on (212)371 2000 or text (315)873-3095 or email us at

Low back pain is a leading cause of disability to people, and is the second most common reason of doctor visits. Low back pain costs the health world more than 100 billion dollars each year when talking about lost wages, reduced productivity, and legal and insurance costs.

NY Chiropractic Care has the solution for you: Spinal Manipulation. Researchers at the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society have concluded that spinal manipulation is the number one treatment for low back pain, for those who do not improve with self care.

The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality concludes that spinal manipulation is just as effective, if not even more effective than medications that relieve low back pain and neck pain, of course without the medication’s side effects.

In 2013, a study was done to compare spinal manipulation an anti inflammatory drugs for treating low back pain. Spinal manipulation was found to be more effective in treating low back pain than a common drug, diclofenac. No side effects were present from the patients who had spinal manipulation. Another study in 2015 showed that prescription drugs have the ability to slow down the healing process of low back pain, even increasing the chance of osteoarthritis.

NY Chiropractic Care will treat your low back pain with spinal manipulation, along with the use of other conservative treatments like exercise training. These treatments are used much more at our NY chiropractic care clinic than any other medical doctor, physical therapist, and others. Come see us here if you are suffering from low back pain. We want to help to relieve your pain.

Contact us now. We have three simple ways you can make an appointment at our NYC chiro office:

Call now on (212)371 2000 or text (315)873-3095 or email us at

Here at Back and Body New York, we are going to help you understand the vicious cycle if you have a disc problem and how it can lead to further problems with your low back.

Neurosurgeons looked at two different groups of people. Group one had a disc herniation diagnosed and found on an MRI and group 2 had just low back pain, but their MRI showed no disc herniation or problems. They then looked at the cross sectional of two key muscles; the multitudes muscle and erector spinae. Then they looked at the cross section of those two muscles. They found that the people with the disc herniation had atrophy of the erector spinae muscle and the multitudes muscle. They looked at the  people without the disc herniation but with low back pain, and found that the cross section of the muscle was fine. Between the two groups, the psoas muscle that is extremely important for the lower back had no signs of degenerative processes or atrophy.

This degenerative process or atrophy, they found a decrease in cross sectional area, and more fatty deposition in the muscle. The study also found that muscle degeneration and atrophy can occur for a time period of about 6 weeks after they have a disc herniation. This is compressing the dorsal nerve root, which is instrumental in controlling the erector spinea and the multifidus muscle.

When you have a disc problem, the two muscles are very key and instrumental in maintaining what is left of the integrity and stability of those two vertebra. If there is a problem between the two vertebra, the muscles are not strong enough to protect it.

Here at Back and Body NY, we have solutions to these problems. Ultrasound diagnostic is used to look at the cross sectional muscle tissue to make sure it doesn’t look atrophy. If after the treatment the patient has a suspected problem, and MRI will need to be done to proceed with your care. An NCVEMG test can also be done that looks specifically at the nerve root and what level of nerve root is being affected. We wrap it all together by providing specific nerve affected exercises for you to do at home. These will fire up the multifidus muscle and the erector spinae.

Watch as Dr David Perna describes this problem in greater depth.


Make and appointment with us here at Back and Body NY if you suspect you have a disc problem or if you are in any type of pain.

Contact us now. We have three simple ways you can make an appointment at our NYC chiro office:

Call now on (212)371 2000 or text (315)873-3095 or email us at

3 Ways to Relieve Back Pain (Number 3’s Our Favorite)

Back pain is unfortunately one of the most common problems people suffer from. Indeed, up to 80% of people in the US will suffer some form of back pain at some point in their lives. We see many people in our Manhatten office in New York City suffering the effects of back pain.

So here’s three great ways you can do to help relieve back pain.

Ice –

When we get pain in our backs, one of the most common reasons is compression of the joints. When our joints compress through gravity, working out, working, and from life in general, they can trap nerves, not function correctly and cause inflammation. Ice helps to decompress the joint, enabling it to operate freely.

If you have back pain, then try putting an ice pack on the afflicted area for 20 minutes and then 20 minutes off, 20 minutes on and so on. But never leave it on for more than 20 minutes at a time. The best time to do this is at night before you go to bed.

Yoga –

Doing yoga regularly is a great way to keep your back in top condition and to help prevent issues. Through yoga, you will not only be stretching your muscles, but also helping to decompress your joints too.

Moreover, yoga helps you to really focus and train your mind and is a very healthy way of keeping in great shape.

Chiropractic Care –

There’s a famous quote that goes along the lines of “Chiropractic is the science, philosophy and art that utilizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.”

Chiropractic care helps to decompress joints, break up scar tissue and adhesions which prevent proper motion of the body. With these things adjusted, the body can return to normal and allow the patient to feel better and feel less pain.

Any or a combination of all three of these elements will help you to reduce back pain and to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. And as prevention is better than cure, regular practice of all three if you don’t suffer pain currently will help to ensure that you don’t in the future.

Remember, if you are struggling and cannot relieve your back pain, make an appointment to see us. Simply make an appointment online and let us help you or call us (212) 371-2000.

Physical therapy Downtown NY residents ought to know, is used for a variety of conditions including overuse injuries.

Overuse injuries come as a result of repeated actions. Typically, this type of injury affects the tendons, bones, nerves, bursa, soft tissue compartments, periosteum cartilage and the muscle-tendon structures. Overuse injuries include stress fractures, bursitis, shin splints, tennis elbow and tendinopathies.

How do overuse injuries occur?

When a person exercises, the body is subjected to stress. Over time, the muscles and tendons involved in an exercise adapt by becoming stronger and thicker. However, when muscles and tendons cannot adapt due to excessive overload, inflammation occurs.

Overuse injuries are caused by a variety of factors, the most common of which are muscular imbalance, poor core stability, lack of flexibility, poor exercise form and training errors. Among these factors, training errors are the most common reasons for overuse injuries. Training errors may mean increasing the duration, frequency or intensity of an activity.

Overuse injuries may manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms including muscle aches and soreness, swelling, pain during an activity and decrease in either strength or speed.

Overuse injuries are treated using a combination of methods. Patients suffering from these injuries are advised to take relative rest. This means that activities that contribute to these injuries should be avoided. Affected body parts may be used in non-painful ways in order to maintain range of motion. Complete bed rest is inadvisable. The application of ice on the injured area for 20 minutes at a time may also be recommended.

Doctors may also recommend physical therapy sessions wherein patients perform both stretching and strengthening exercises. The physical therapist may also recommend the use of ultrasound treatment to facilitate faster healing. Physical treatment sessions may be complemented with the use of anti-inflammatory medications.

Recovery from overuse injuries will vary from person to person, depending primarily on the patient’s healing rate. Some injuries can heal after about four to six weeks, while there are injuries which last for up to six months.

During recovery, it is important to give the body ample time to heal itself. Here, it is worthwhile to avoid activities that caused the injury. For athletes who wish to return to their sports, such may only be done when they experience no pain in the affected body part, when they have recovered at least 90 percent of their stress, and when they have full range of motion in that area.

Spinal decompressionA herniated disc can cause both excruciating pains and compromised mobility. Nobody wants to live with this combination of physical discomforts, so consulting a doctor and signing up for treatment is understandably the first move for many people. The most popular procedure for treatment remains to be surgery, and there is no denying that it works. However, there are some who do not take to the idea of being operated on. In addition to that, they worry about the related costs and the amount of downtime.

One of the recommended alternative treatments is spinal decompression. For those who are not quite familiar with this, it is a type of therapy wherein the spine is stretched using a combination of special equipment (decompression tables and motorized devices) and traction therapy. Spinal decompression Midtown chiropractors explain, is a less invasive treatment and a worthy consideration for people with a herniated disc because with modified manipulation (stretching), a herniated disc may retract, alleviating the pressure on the nerves and other structures in the spine which create the excruciating pains.

A properly carried out spinal decompression treatment can bring a great amount of relaxation (some people actually fall asleep during the treatment session) and promote faster healing due to the improved movement of water, oxygen, and other fluids that carry essential nutrients to the discs. Patients can even resume their old activities so much faster as well as pursue a more active lifestyle to increase their strength.

It is important to note, however, that as effective as this type of treatment may be, it is not constantly presented as an option to patients because the efficacy of spinal decompression is largely dependent on the gravity of the injury. Doctors would have to thoroughly assess the extent of the injury first before making a final determination if spinal decompression could be the ideal treatment for the herniated disc, or if surgery would be more apropos.

If you would be advised to undergo spinal decompression therapy, be informed that it will require anywhere from a few to several sessions, and some maintenance effort. You may have to apply cold compress to the painful body areas. Changing your dietary habits as well could help (especially if you’re overweight, because extra weight can place a lot of additional pressure on your backbone), and you may also have to learn and train your body to move the right way to prevent future injuries.


GrastonTechniqueAllergies, asthma, upper respiratory infection, headaches and earaches – these are just a few of the common ailments that children today usually suffer from, and frequently. Prescribed medications can certainly help them overcome such health conditions, but unfortunately, some children will have repeated bouts of these illnesses.Even if they are given antibiotics and other strong medicines that target these ailments, they tend to complain of the same issue after a few weeks’ or months’ time.

Recurring ailments in children is not something new that parents today have to contend with,because there are many factors that cause certain illnesses to become chronic. These factors include your child being exposed regularly to other people with similar ailments or symptoms, and your family having a history of the exact same or related conditions. Although your pediatrician can provide the right diagnosis and treatment plan, you can always consider getting a second opinion from another medical specialist.

Parents of kids who have certain types of chronic ailments or health symptoms are choosing to bring their children to a chiropractor for diagnosis and the appropriate care.

When seeking chiropractic care for children, parents have to first understand that a chiropractor does not treat conditions or illnesses per se. According to a leading Graston, NYC chiropractor, their expertise lies in checking the child’s spine for miss alignments that impair the nervous system function and affects his or her overall body function.

The nervous system is the “master controller” of a person’s body.If its communication channels become incoherent, distorted or damaged, then the body starts experiencing various kinds of communication errors. For kids, this ineffective communication may play out as stomachaches, headaches, asthma, digestion issues, poor sleep, low energy, irritability, and inability to concentrate, just to name a few debilitating conditions.Chiropractors say that regardless of what the end result or symptom may be, all roads point back to the body’s ability to self-regulate and function at an optimal level.

Chiropractors have had many positive results in treating some very common chronic childhood ailments.  These conditions include:

Chiropractic adjustment restores nerve system function in the body,giving it the ability to express a greater state of health and well-being. Chiropractic adjustment is also safe for kids since their skeletal systems are still developing, hence there is a great deal of elasticity in the joints.  As such, the next time that you notice your child showing recurring symptoms or ailments, consider bringing your child to a chiropractor. The few minutes you invest in your child’s spinal checkup can save them unnecessary pain, both now and in the years to come.

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